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[Bug-cpio] restore from tape created with tob (afio)?

From: Sandra Jäger
Subject: [Bug-cpio] restore from tape created with tob (afio)?
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 14:14:36 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; de-AT; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041217


As we are planning to change from Slox to Windows Small Business, I was looking for a solution to restore archives and files from tape backups created with tob(afio) under Linux with Windows tools.

I googled and found cpio for Windows. Now I succeeded in restoring a differential backup created via tob in a file (filename.afio) but I don't know how to restore from tape with cpio for Windows as I don't have any filename there. I just tell tob and afio to write to the tape. And that's all, no filename.

I found the -F option for cpio but I don't know the right way how to use it.

I'm on a Windows-client and try to restore from the tape of the Linuxserver kaenga.

cpio –idv –F address@hidden

There I get: No such file or directory.

Probably I have to use the /dev/st0 somewhere and would have to mount the device beforehand

/usr/bin/mt -f /dev/st0 datcompression 2 ; date

and unmount the device afterwards.

/usr/bin/mt -f /dev/st0 offline ; date

I copied those two commands from the tob.rc of the server kaenga (config-File for the old tob backup).

How is it done the right way? Could you give me the complete command example?

Second question: if the Server kaenga later turns into a windows server, will the same restore command for archives on tapes work? Or is it done differently?

If it's done differently could you also send me an example for the command?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Best regards,

Sandra Jaeger

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