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[Bug-cpio] Problem with large file

From: PinkFloyd Fan
Subject: [Bug-cpio] Problem with large file
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 14:52:52 +0000

When I configure cpio 2.6 without largefile (./configure --disable-largefile), The message "Value too large for defined data type" occurs for all files more than 2GB and run :

# /usr/local/bin/cpio -ov <biglist >big.cpio
/usr/local/bin/cpio: bigfile.tar: Value too large for defined data type
/usr/local/bin/cpio: largefile.tar: Value too large for defined data type
1087 blocks

If I configure cpio for the large file (./configure --enable-largefile ou ./configure), no message occurs but the larges files ar not backuped :

# /usr/local/bin/cpio -ov <biglist >big.cpio
1087 blocks

I have the same problem on debian 3.0r2 with kernel 2.4.21, RedHat 9.0 or Suze 9.2

Do you have an idea ?
Thank you

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