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[Bug-cpio] owner and sticky bit problem

From: Bernd Kloss
Subject: [Bug-cpio] owner and sticky bit problem
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 18:03:00 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

Debian Lenny
cpio (GNU cpio) 2.9


 I am trying to clone the root-partition with

for packing:

find . -depth -xdev  ! -path "./hda1/*" ! -path "./sicher/*" ! -path 
"./lost+found/*" | 
cpio -a -o -H crc  -V  >  /hda1/sicher/hdc1-21-08-08.cpio

for unpacking:
cpio -i -d -m --no-absolute-filenames < ./sicher/hdc1-21-08-08.cpio 

This has been working under SuSE 9.3/ cpio 2.5 and Debian/Etch perfectly. 
The following problems occurred:

For /tmp and /var/tmp the sticky bit is not being copied.

All the homes belong to root:root with 755 instead of user:users.

Did I use wrong parameters?

Thank you for helping.

Bernd Kloss

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