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[Bug-cpio] Segmentation fault with random input

From: Veit Hailperin
Subject: [Bug-cpio] Segmentation fault with random input
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 11:06:42 +0100


I've been toying with afl-fuzz and happened to stumble upon a segmentation fault in cpio. The version of cpio used is 2.11. The file triggering the segmentation fault is attached. 

The strange thing is that is only crashes with the self-compiled version (./configure, make - nothing fancy) and not the pre-installed version of cpio (Debian). I tested only 32-bit. 

Both straces - with the pre-installed cpio and the self-compiled cpio - are also attached.



Attachment: crash.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: triggers-crash-cpio
Description: Binary data

Attachment: no-crash.txt
Description: Text document

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