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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] ddrescue to .img file...then what?

From: andrew zajac
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] ddrescue to .img file...then what?
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 16:01:41 -0400 (EDT)

jubei <address@hidden> wrote:

Well guys, I think I'm going to try and do data carving. I only need to
recover .doc off of this drive so I'm giving PhotoRec a go. My image
unfortunately stopped creating after I guess I flooded my NAS while trying
PhotoRec (on the new drive - backing up to my nas :( ) on my lunch hour.
ddrescue stopped with an I/O error....I think I can restart it from the
point it left off, right?

Yes, you can.  And you should.  You will have trouble running photorec on the faulty drive since Photorec doesn't handle I/O errors with grace.  Run Photorec on the image you get from Gnue ddrescue. 

Reading from the drive and a broken filesystem are two different problems.  Use the right tool for the right job!

Good luck.


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