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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] live CD with ddrescue?

From: Dave Burton
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] live CD with ddrescue?
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 11:19:47 -0400 (EDT)

address@hidden (andrew zajac) wrote:

> address@hidden (Dave Burton) wrote:
> > Can anyone recommend a "live CD" Linux distro which
> > includes ddrescue?  (Ideally, it would also have decent
> > support for USB external drives.)
> http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/
> Ubuntu Rescue Remix is a GNU/Linux live system which runs from CD or
> USB flash device. It provides the data recovery specialist with a
> command-line interface environment equipped with the best free-libre,
> open source data recovery and forensics tools available.
> It has the latest version of Gnu ddrescue.  It's free.

I tried the Ubuntu remix CD, and couldn't get it to work.

But I found the Parted Magic Live CD, which also includes
ddrescue (currently version 1.6).  It takes up only about
45 MB, and it works well.  It is a no-frills, no-nonsense
distro, which boots directly as root, with no password
nonsense.  I especially like the USB-flashdrive version
(rather than the CD version): it boots quickly, and the
USB stick is writable, so it serves as a good place for
ddrescue to put its logfile.  I was pleased to discover
how easy it was to make the bootable USB stick, and that
doing so did NOT require reformatting the USB stick or
deleting the files already on it.  The only issues I've
seen so far with it are:
1) No info or man page for ddrescue (nor, it appears, for
much else)
2) No Perl!  So I can't use my collection of Perl scripts
that I customarily use with ddrescue.

ncdave4life at gmail dot com but please no spam

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