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[Bug-ddrescue] When will ddrescue return to warp speed?

From: James Watts
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] When will ddrescue return to warp speed?
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 07:44:56 -0400


I am currently rescuing a 500GB drive. When I first started ddrescue, the routine began recovering data at the blistering rate of 18-20 MB/s. Then it encountered an error (after recovering about 20GB) and the drive got hung-up and did not respond to commands. So I had to turn off the drive, turn it on again, and restart ddrescue. Now, it's been going for two days holding at a rate of 300-500 KB/s. It has not encountered any more errors according to the on-screen info and the log (see below). So why will it not ramp up to the high-speed from before? At this rate, it could take weeks to complete.

Thoughts? Am I doing something wrong? What would you do differently?

Thank you,


address@hidden:~$ sudo ddrescue /dev/sdb1 "/media/Expansion Drive/hm.img" "/media/Expansion Drive/hm.log"
[sudo] password for wattage:

Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Initial status (read from logfile)
rescued:    26851 MB,  errsize:    128 kB,  errors:       1
Current status
rescued:    56575 MB,  errsize:    128 kB,  current rate:     327 kB/s
   ipos:    56575 MB,   errors:       1,    average rate:     353 kB/s
   opos:    56575 MB,     time from last successful read:       0 s
Copying non-tried blocks...
Interrupted by user

# Rescue Logfile. Created by GNU ddrescue version 1.11
# current_pos  current_status
0xD2C290600     ?
#      pos        size  status
0x00000000  0x640791000  +
0x640791000  0x00000200  -
0x640791200  0x0001F200  *
0x6407B0400  0x6EBAE0200  +
0xD2C290600  0x6510238000  ?

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