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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] problem installing ddrescue on specific plateform

From: andrew zajac
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] problem installing ddrescue on specific plateform
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 03:18:35 -0800 (PST)

Hi Ronan.

There is no "install" command.  Usually it's "make install" depending on the makefile.  But it sounds like you need a more complete operating system on the device. 

Maybe this will help:

Maybe that's not what you want to do.  I don't know.  I'm just trying to point you in the right direction.  When the base of a Debian system is installed, the whole toolchain for compiling and acquiring precompiled binaries from the repositories is installed for you (the GNU toolchain and dpkg) so that you don't have to figure out for yourself where everything goes.

Good Luck

Andrew Zajac

--- On Thu, 1/7/10, Ronan Kerdudou <address@hidden> wrote:

From: Ronan Kerdudou <address@hidden>
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] problem installing ddrescue on specific plateform
To: "bug-ddrescue" <address@hidden>
Received: Thursday, January 7, 2010, 8:36 PM

Hi !

I'm trying to install ddrescue on a NAS Synology DS207+ (ARM processor).
I managed to install 'ipkg' and then 'gcc' and other cool stuffs
then from source I compiled and installed 'Make'
but I can't find how to install the "install" command (used by the Makefile), and you can imagine how it is difficult to find info on search engines regarding the "linux install command"...
in the sources of 'Make' i found an 'install-sh' script shell but it doesn't work for ddrescue because it doens't know the '-p' argument...

can someone help me ?

for exemple by telling me what does "install --help" is giving you (especially about the -p argument).
Or how can i install this command ?

thanks in advance,

Ronan Kerdudou (French)

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