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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Available feature to test for drive prefailures?

From: Antonio Diaz Diaz
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Available feature to test for drive prefailures?
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 19:51:02 +0100
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Paul L Daniels wrote:
One thing I've noticed with almost all drives that I copy from old
machines is that frequently there are zones where the bitrate drops
notably but doesn't get classed as an error in ddrescue ( which is
fine ).  Would it be possible to add a feature to ddrescue that lets
you mark such zones in a log - or, more generically, log the whole
copy process to another file for later review/examination?

If those zones have been read without error (even if slowly), ddrescue only can mark them as done. Logging the copy process to another file would be doable but, what do you expect to do with the information?

I admit that I've already kludged a copy of 1.16 to dump the verbose
info to stderr so I can then capture to a logfile.  I've also looked
at the -a option but it seems that it invariably triggers on the
start of the ddrescue process for some reason (ie, if I do  ddrescue
-v -f /dev/sda /dev/null on a USB3 device it'll start with a low read
rate for the first second and thus  it'll trip almost immediately
with the -a option.

I have just announced 1.17-pre2, which ignores slow reads during the first 10 seconds. Hope this solves the problem with the -a option.


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