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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Cannot handle "$" in the filename for destination or

From: Scott Dwyer
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Cannot handle "$" in the filename for destination or logfile
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2013 16:40:50 -0400
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Sometimes it is the simple things that catch us off guard, I totally missed that. It shows my inexperience with programming, and I have also been overloading my brain with writing in C for the first time, and learning as I go.
That make it good again. Thanks.

On 4/6/2013 4:32 PM, Matthew Ruffalo wrote:
Hi Scott-

This is not ddrescue behavior; this is your shell (presumably bash) expanding $MFT into the (empty) contents of the variable named MFT. ddrescue is dutifully writing to exactly the file name that it is given.

To prevent this variable expansion, use single quotes:

$ echo "inode_0_$MFT"
$ echo 'inode_0_$MFT'


On 04/06/2013 04:20 PM, Scott Dwyer wrote:
This would probably not be a bug to anyone else but me, but as I might have mentioned before, I am working on software to use ddrescue to extract individual files from a disk. My problem is that the "$" in the file name for either the destination file or the log file causes part of the name to not appear.

The command:
ddrescue -i16384 -o0 -s258048 /dev/sdb1 "inode_0_$MFT" "inode_0_part0_$MFT.log"

Results in the destination file name to be "inode_0_", and the logfile name to be "inode_0_part0_". From my testing it seems that anything after the $ until the next special character is lost.



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