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[Bug-ddrescue] 250gig error... out of nowhere.

From: Niklas Swan
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] 250gig error... out of nowhere.
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 10:17:50 +0800

Hi Antonio / DDrescue community,

Just wanted to say thanks for helping me out in the early stages of my recovery, now I've reached (hopefully not) the end of it and I have a question or two.

so. after the first 100gig it sped up from 20gig a day to 60gig a day, and ran that way up until 501 gigs. this is where it gets fun.

so, my computer was in the office. someone in my office borrowed my laptop charger when I wasn't there, so when I viewed my computer via VNC I saw it had 20 minutes battery, stopped the recovery and shut down my computer.

so the next day I started it up and it was going about 200kb again, so back to around 20gig a day. I was not happy, but I figured it would pick up.

then BOOM, error size shot up from 10gig to 244gig and was like, "finished!". Fail.

I've tried a bunch of different commands, like attempting to run it backwards, direct mode (doesn't work on mac) but all of them either don't grab any data, or its just like "finished" and I'm like... no your not.

here's some info:

# Rescue Logfile. Created by GNU ddrescue version 1.17
# Command line: ddrescue -f -n -c 1 /dev/rdisk3 /dev/rdisk1 nsclone.log
# current_pos  current_status
0xAEAB74B400     +

GNU ddrescue 1.17
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Initial status (read from logfile)
rescued:   506054 MB,  errsize:    244 GB,  errors:   20248
Current status
rescued:   506054 MB,  errsize:    244 GB,  current rate:        0 B/s
   ipos:   750200 MB,   errors:   20248,    average rate:        0 B/s
   opos:   750200 MB,    time since last successful read:       1 s

I tried starting it at 550gi, no dice... still finished.

so Questions:

is there any other DDrescue commands I can try to get the rest of the data off? 
(I refuse to believe 233gig was dead like that)

Do you think my coworker just gorked the last 250gigs of my drive?

if so, do you think I should seek some kind of revenge?

And Finally, as my new disk image mounts, do I need to use any further recovery tools to improve the quality of the data?

Thanks yall!


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