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[Bug-ddrescue] Support gddrescue

From: address@hidden
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] Support gddrescue
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 15:37:45 +0400 (MSK)

good afternoon.

I understand that here it is necessary to send questions concerning exclusively 
bugs, errors in the program "gddrescue".
Tell me please. In which forum, resource, site, would you recommend to leave 
"stupid" questions related to the practical use of "gddrescue"?

Thank you!

С уважением, Инженер технической 
поддержки ООО "Квантор"
           Габитов Артур Ринатович 
423815, Россия, г.Набережные Челны
Новый город, 53/37, офис 7
т./ф:    +7(8552) 5959-33
-599-345, -599-411
моб.т:   +7-919-639-8041
e-mail:  address@hidden
web:     http://quantor.ru
ICQ:     448-519-441

Sincerely, Engineer Support OOO "Quantor"
           Gabitov Arthur Rinatovich
423815, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny
Novyi Gorod, 53/37, office 7
phone / fax: 011-7-8552-5959-33,
-599-345, -599-411
e-mail:      address@hidden
web:         http://quantor.ru
ICQ:     448-519-441

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