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Re: Re: Re: [bug-enscript] Differing output depending on --language=

From: dave
Subject: Re: Re: Re: [bug-enscript] Differing output depending on --language=
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 20:35:30 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.19 (2009-01-05)

On (20:18 11/05/09), address@hidden <address@hidden> put forth the proposition:
On (17:53 13/04/09), Tim Retout <address@hidden> put forth the proposition:
On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 17:37 +0100, address@hidden wrote:
The font is being ignored and is set to Courier and there is no

Any ideas why this is happening?

These are pretty clearly bugs - RTF output (and, er, HTML and ANSI) is a
second-class citizen to PostScript at the moment.  The 'Courier New'
font is hardcoded into the RTF output.  The header/footer option is just
ignored if you are not using PostScript.

How motivated do you feel to write patches for this? :)  Both are a case
of passing some variables from the main enscript program to the 'states'
program - look at the way document_title is set for HTML output for an

The default font should be set to 'Courier New' for RTF output, and then
overridden... then used in states/hl/lang_rtf.st. Similarly for

I have had a look at this today and manage to pass the font name but
I'm having a little trouble with the font size. It seems that the
point size should doubled in .rtf files and trying to do ptsize * 2 in
lang_rtf.st is given me errors. Same if I try to declare a var and
then multiply it. I'm not a whole lot familiar with .st files so could
use some clues how to do this. If I change the ptsize in main.c it
will I expect change all other filetype font sizes.

Ah (int)ptsize is int(ptsize)!

Ok, well here's a patch for main.c and lang_rtf.st. I am not an expert
on rtf as you can tell but it seems to work.

By the way, I am getting errors with some fonts:

couldn't open AFM file for font "Times\ New\ Roman", using default

But it still uses the font anyway, which it should I guess, but
how/where are AFM files? And where can I get some for the ones that
are missing?

Tim Retout <address@hidden>

Breast Feeding should not be attempted by fathers with hairy chests,
since they can make the baby sneeze and give it wind.
                -- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"

The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming dragon.

Attachment: rtf_font.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: pgpxXuhy9LJvo.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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