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[bug #13774] Why is updatedb prefering /var/tmp over /tmp for temporary

From: anonymous
Subject: [bug #13774] Why is updatedb prefering /var/tmp over /tmp for temporary files?
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 09:18:03 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.3) KHTML/3.3.2 (like Gecko)

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #13774 (project findutils):

> Therefore it's especially silly to use /tmp for scratch files
> on systems where this is actually stored in VM (e.g.
> Solaris). There have also been bug reports in the past caused
> by people running out of space in /tmp (or /). Some systems
> have a relatively vanilla root filesystem but vast numbers of
> files in other filsystems.
> In short, /var/tmp is traditionally bigger and that can
> sometimes make the difference between working and not
> working.

You are dictating policy here through updatedb though. This 
should be up to the sysadmin. If the sysadmin wants to put /tmp 
into VM that's up to him. And if he makes /tmp to small that's up to him as
well. It's the sysadmin who need to make reasonable decisions.

The updatedb behaveour however goes against the letter of the FHS:
I'm not enough of a FHS expert to tell if it actually violates the standard.

Tomas Pospisek


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