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[bug-gawk] Field separators in awk

From: Hakon . Hagland
Subject: [bug-gawk] Field separators in awk
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 07:40:28 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.3.9)


there is a builtin variable RT ( http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html#Auto_002dset ) that contains the matched text by RS, but there is no similar variable for FS.

Consider the following case:


In Gnu Awk version 4, the split() function does contain a forth input argument "seps" that gives access to the matched text by FS.

However, it seems inefficient to call split() on $0 just to obtain the matched text. (Since the field splitting has already been done by awk).

I would propose either to add a new builtin variable, for instance it could be called "FT", that contains the separators, or if this is inefficient (for the common case, where that variable is not used by the user) to have an option (like I have proposed in a previous mail) to set FIELDWIDTHS="0" which should make awk skip the field splitting process all together, and just assign the whole line to $1, and set NF=1. Then it is up to the user to call split() on $0 if he likes to.

Best regards,
Haakon Haegland

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