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[bug-gawk] feature request: expanding escape sequences

From: Ed Morton
Subject: [bug-gawk] feature request: expanding escape sequences
Date: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:38:17 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0

Guys - I just tried to do something conceptually trivial and discovered there is literally NO good way to do it in awk so I was wondering if a gawk function could be provided to do it?

I just want to be able to expand escape sequences in text read from an input file. For example, let's say I have:

    $ cat file

and I want to output:


where "<tab>" is a literal control character.

The most concise solution I've come up with is to invoke the shell to parse the file, e.g.

    $ awk '{ system("printf \047" $0 "\n\047") }' file
    a       b
    c       d

but that has some caveats, not least of which is that if the input file contains text like '$(ls)' then that command will be executed!

The alternatives seem to be writing text to manually parse each line to convert every escape-char to it's literal character, or using a script to read the input file to generate another script and then execute that.

I'm not looking for an `eval` function, just something that will convert escape sequences to their equivalent characters so I can do something like this if `file` contains lines of formatting text:

    awk '{ printf expandEscapes($0), "whatever" }' file

and expandEscapes() will just return it's argument as a string with all escape chars expanded (actual function name up for grabs of course).

What do you think?


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