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Re: [bug-gettext] cygwin started speaking German today

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [bug-gettext] cygwin started speaking German today
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 09:45:37 -0600
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On 09/09/2011 08:59 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Sep  9 13:33, Andy Koppe wrote:
The 'C.UTF-8' default locale is not a bug, it was a deliberate design decision.

Exactly.  And it has been discussed a lot on the cygwin-apps mailing

And above all, there *is* an official way for the user to align the
Cygwin locale with the Windows locale, see the -s and -u options
of the locale(1) command:


On 09/09/2011 09:09 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> OK, then the following four facilities are needed in Cygwin.
>> 1) We need the name of the locale which is in effect when the user has
>>     not specified environment variables.
> In Fedora, for instance, the fallback is what is set as system default
> in /etc/sysconfig/i18n.
> In Cygwin the fallback is the system default set in /etc/profile.d/lang.sh
> or /etc/profile.d/lang.csh.
> Why should libintl use anything else on Cygwin, but not on Linux?

Given this, I think the bug is in cygwin for having base files /etc/profile.d/lang.{sh,csh} which hardcode LANG to C.UTF-8 instead of using locale -s -u to default LANG to the preferred Windows settings. Libintl should NOT be second-guessing an explicit setting of LANG, but cygwin should NOT be explicitly setting LANG to C.UTF-8 in its default startup scripts without any regards to the Windows settings. Whether setlocale(LC_ALL,"") returns C.UTF-8 or a Windows-appropriate string _when LANG is undefined_ is still worth solving, but right now, an out-of-the-box cygwin installation _always has LANG defined_ by the default startup scripts. So our first focus should be to get that setting of LANG fixed to honor Windows, and to teach libintl that when LANG is set we really meant it.

Eric Blake   address@hidden    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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