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PDF printing broken in gs 7.06 and 7.07

From: Shawn Rutledge
Subject: PDF printing broken in gs 7.06 and 7.07
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 12:35:29 -0700 (PDT)

I have been having a problem printing PDF files in GS 7.06 on Windows. 
I am calling the DLL with these arguments:

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -dNoCancel -dSAFER -sDEVICE=mswinpr2
-sOutputFile=%printer%inky path-to-file.pdf

but you can reproduce this bug on the command line with gswin32c.exe as
well.  I am printing PDF files which were generated by Ghostscript in a
previous run (invoices, simple Postscript code which I wrote myself,
nothing bizarre in them), and they view fine in Acrobat or gsview. 
They also print fine using the same command line with gs 7.05.  In 7.06
I get

Error: /rangecheck in .installpagedevice

near the end of processing the PDF (part of the data has already been
spooled to the printer at that point, that is I see a job in the
Windows print spooler window but not as large as it is when I print the
same PDF sucessfully with 7.05).

I found a workaround:  in lib/pdf_main.ps, where runpdf is defined, I
found the comment "It turns out that the PDF interpreter uses memory
more effectively if it is run under at least one level of save..."  and
I commented out the line below, 

% /PDFTopSave save def

as well as 

% PDFTopSave restore

at the end of the procedure.  This fixes it.  So apparently the
memory-saving "fix" introduced in 7.06 has side effects, and needs
further investigation.

. _______  Shawn T. Rutledge / KB7PWD address@hidden
 (_  | |_)    http://ecloud.org/  address@hidden
 __) | | \______________________________________________

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