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Re: Tags in the specified file and newlines.

From: Shigio YAMAGUCHI
Subject: Re: Tags in the specified file and newlines.
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2016 09:22:43 +0900

It is very useful.
But it seems to be a little difficult to make it perfectly in the
present implementation.

In the case of standard format of GTAGS (by gtags without -c option),
it can be realized by just rewriting parsers.

In the case of compact format (by gtags -c), it is difficult.
In the present implementation, GTAGS has no source code and global(1)
has no knowledge about languages. So, global(1) need to read source
code and modify definition lines.

There may be a function limited to the standard format.


2016-06-03 21:30 GMT+09:00 Jacek Migacz <address@hidden>:

for code formatted like this:

void f(int x,
        int y) {

'global -f <FILE>' would yield:
FILE    LINUM    FILE f(int x,

How about output like:
FILE    LINUM    FILE f(int x, int y)

Is is possible to achieve it with current parser implementation?

Jacek Migacz

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Shigio YAMAGUCHI <address@hidden>
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