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Failed to Parse Template and Corrupted Tags

From: Gustaf Waldemarson
Subject: Failed to Parse Template and Corrupted Tags
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2016 09:47:10 +0200

Hello Global Maintainers,

I seem to have run into one or possibly two bugs while trying out


1. Create a new directory for testing:
   - mkdir debug

2. Create a new file in the directory e.g. `main.cpp' with the contents:

    #include <iostream>

    #define TEST_MACRO struct test<

    int main(void)
        std::cout << "hello, world!" << std::endl;
        return 0;

3. Generate tags:
   - `gtags'
   - Bug 1: Parser error: `gtags: failed to parse template [+3

4. Trying to use the generated tags then leads to possibly different
   - `global -u'
   - Bug 2: `gtags: /home/guswal01/git/debug/GTAGS seems older
     format. Please remake tag files.'

This occured on `Global 6.5'.4 when built on Ubuntu 15.10 using the
default `sh reconf.sh && ./configure' settings.

In my opinion, failing to parse some odd C++ file is usually fine, but
in in this it seems like the tag files get corrupted somehow.

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