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Re: Problem with Floating-point functions

From: Ronald Bruck
Subject: Re: Problem with Floating-point functions
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 10:19:41 -0700

Armando Garcia B. wrote:

I have builded a little program using GNU MP in a Linux RedHat 6.2
system runing in a Pentium II 400 MHz machine (Dell Precision
Worksatation 410).

This simple program just asign a decimal number to a mpf_t variable and
then the variable content is converted to a string. Finally the string
is printed to the standard output.

The program is:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>

  mpf_t x;
  mp_exp_t exp;

  mpf_init_set_d( x, 0.001 );   /* x  = 0.001 */

  mpf_get_str( NULL, &exp, 10, 0, x );
  printf( "x(mpf_get_str)=%s(%ld)\n", mpf_get_str( NULL, &exp, 10, 0, x
), exp );

  exit( 0 );

Let me try this one, as one novice to another :-)

This is a good lesson why one should NOT use the set_d functions when you need precision. The string 0.001 is being converted to a double, which in IEEE 754 arithmetic has only 53 bits' significance (52 "genuine" bits, and one implicit bit, the leading "1"), which is then being converted to a 64-bit mantissa. Result: You lose precision.

Use "mpf_init_set_str" instead. Even better: unless you're wedded to decimal for emotional reasons, use 1/1024 instead of 1/1000. I do this a lot; when I need to set a tolerance of about 1000 * machine epsilon, I do something like

  mpf_init2(tol, precision);
  mpf_set_ui(tol, 1);
  mpf_div_2exp(tol, tol, precision-10);

That's 1024 * machine epsilon, but it's precise in binary. And if I want 1024 * sqrt(machine_epsilon) I do

  mpf_div_2exp(tol, tol, precision/2-10)


About the earlier problem I reported: yup, I was overwriting an array bound. Ain't efence wonderful?

--Ron Bruck

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