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Re: [Bug-gnupedia] GNUPedia - Nupedia: Different approaches

From: Jimmy Wales
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnupedia] GNUPedia - Nupedia: Different approaches
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 14:14:56 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.2i

Duncan Lock wrote:
> This is the only gripe I can see
> from the FSF's point of view: that the nupedia editing procedure is too
> 'closed' and restrictive and involves exercising editorial control,
> effectively.

And even this is subject to change in the future.

We made a conscious decision to stress _article quality_ in the early days,
because we want to establish Nupedia as something different from just a random
collection of crap.  There's already too much of that in the world.

And we have always thought -- if the pace of production is too slow, or 
in some other respects, (a) it is easier to open up the process later, than to 
a damaged reputation from too low quality early on and (b) it is always 
possible for a
group dissatisfied with the slow progress to 'fork' at a later date.

Forking at the present time seems really unnecessary to me, though.  It isn't as
though we have had some longstanding philosophical disagreements such that we
finally decide to peacefully part company.

No, what we have here is a secret (from me) project that is suddenly announced,
with a too-similar name, and lots and lots of (from what I can see on this list)
excellent contributors interested in making things happen.  Since we have no
substantive disagreements, and since there is room in the Nupedia community for
growth and change, it seems a bit early to pretend that there is some major

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