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Re: [Bug-gnupedia] A system of moderation

From: Mike Warren
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnupedia] A system of moderation
Date: 23 Jan 2001 02:13:12 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) XEmacs/21.1 (20 Minutes to Nikko)

"Imran Ghory" <address@hidden> writes:

> No I think not, as it would be information which could be used by
> virtually every front end and it doesn't "take away" from the
> article so it isn't imposing censorship.

But this is categorization information which will change from culture
to culture and from user to user. Yes, it might be that almost
everyone *here* agrees that X is ``speculation'', but why should one
classification (gross though it may be) be imposed on the articles in
the back-end.

I agree that making a classifier based on such a scheme is a good idea
(and most other classifiers may choose to also use this information),
but this information should be in a database separate from the article

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