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[Bug-gnu-arch] drops shyness

From: Cecilia Hale
Subject: [Bug-gnu-arch] drops shyness
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 14:23:07 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

On a warm, sunny day, an American Robin sits on the ground, its wings outstretched and its tail splayed behind.
John James Audubon, the French naturalist who spent his adult life studying and painting the birds of North America, saw only this Ruby-throated Hummingbird, a bird of eastern North America.
In late July, the Great Horned Owls chicks are four and a half months old, and must fend for themselves much of the time.
The Red-breasted Sapsucker is a common but seldom-seen woodpecker of Western Washington forests.
At the crack of the bat, a Blue Jay flies toward first and glides around the base. It quietly drills small holes in the bark of favored trees, then returns again and again to eat the sap that flows out.
High in the Northwest mountains, where the long summer days stay cool, a beautiful song echoes.
Although not a first-rate vocalist, the Tufted Puffin is instantly recognizable to the eye. With its tail cocked at a jaunty angle, this small, brown wren presents us with a classic bird image. Bird song is heard frequently in classical music.
High in the Northwest mountains, where the long summer days stay cool, a beautiful song echoes. Washington State Senator Ken Jacobsen tells of his visit with a constituent and their discussion of birdbaths and accessories. The male Ruffed Grouse stands upon a resonant fallen log in the shelter of a brushy thicket, thumping the air with his wings.
Be still and blend in. Loping overhead at dusk, with long slender wings, the Common Nighthawk chases down aerial insects with sudden, choppy shifts of direction.
Birdbaths set at different heights serve a great variety of birds.
The plight of the young bird is illustrated by this encounter between predator and prey, as a young hawk sets out on its first hunting expedition. Band-tailed Pigeons stay in small flocks most of the year, uttering their soft call. Despite its lack of experience, each bird must learn to fend for itself. Nothing will bring wondrous songbirds to your yard faster than a ready supply of water. Band-tailed Pigeons stay in small flocks most of the year, uttering their soft call. The Boreal forest is a vast band of spruce and poplar that extends from coast to coast across Alaska and Canada. Snowy Plovers are specifically adapted to lay their eggs in a shallow scrape in the sand, which is lined with bits of shell, pebbles, and grass.
Bird song is heard frequently in classical music.
Snowy Plovers are specifically adapted to lay their eggs in a shallow scrape in the sand, which is lined with bits of shell, pebbles, and grass.
Deep in left field, an Oriole pounces on the ball.
You may find it in willow thickets, brushy tangles, and other dense, understory habitats, usually at low to medium elevations around streams. You may find it in willow thickets, brushy tangles, and other dense, understory habitats, usually at low to medium elevations around streams. The song of the Black-headed Grosbeak rings out from May well into summer, one of the most distinctive bird voices of the West.
Back in the days when the buffalo roamed, Brown-headed Cowbirds followed the herds.
This bird has also been called the Chattering Plover and the Noisy Plover. Bird song is heard frequently in classical music. When Turkey Vultures circle low, you can see their naked red heads and deeply slotted black primary feathers, which the wind separates and turns up expressively.

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