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GNU - Cheated!

From: Marvi C. Carranza
Subject: GNU - Cheated!
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:47:07 +0400


   Something is wrong with GNU chess. I defeated GNU in one of our game,
and it was the first time i did win. But what happen is when I checkmate
black's king (22. Qh5 Fxg3, 23. Rh8+), the pieces move by itself, revert
all the moves and the result is (22. Rh8+), which is not what i moved.

(See attached file: CARRAMC-GNU_Chess_5.07.pgn)

Marvi C. Carranza
CBI Eastern Anstalt
TEL: +09714 883 5599
FAX: +09714 883 5622

Attachment: CARRAMC-GNU_Chess_5.07.pgn
Description: Binary data

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