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perl-mode's indenting get confused on multiple level brackets

From: S P Arif Sahari Wibowo
Subject: perl-mode's indenting get confused on multiple level brackets
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 17:46:47 -0600

I noticed that on multiple level brackets for complex data structure
perl-mode get confused, such like this:

$a= {
    'A' => {
        '1' =>
             'a ... some long lines',
             'b ... some long lines'
                 '2' => 'wrong indentation',
                 'B' => 'also wrong indentation',

Is there any fix, yet? Or any hint on fixing it myself? The easiest way is
just regard brackets as the same treatment as curly brackets. I look into
the perl-mode.elc and it didn't seems easy to do it.

I use emacs 20.7.

Thank you.

                                   S P Arif Sahari Wibowo
  _____  _____  _____  _____ 
 /____  /____/ /____/ /____          arifsaha@yahoo.com
_____/ /      /    / _____/       http://www.arifsaha.com/

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