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RMAIL doesn't always insert newline after messages

From: haim [howard] roman
Subject: RMAIL doesn't always insert newline after messages
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 19:00:15 +0200

This bug report will be sent to the Free Software Foundation,
 not to your local site managers!!
Please write in English, because the Emacs maintainers do not have
translators to read other languages for them.

In GNU Emacs 20.7.1 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu, X toolkit)
 of Mon Jul 30 2001 on stripples.devel.redhat.com
configured using `configure  --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info 
--prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib --sharedstatedir=/var --with-gcc --with-pop 
--with-x-toolkit i386-redhat-linux-gnu'

Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug
and the precise symptoms of the bug:

Environment: Red Hat 7.2.
Changes to emacs: none.  I'm using what came with the distribution, or
    a newer version I downloaded from Red Hat's site using "up2date".
Could not find a version ID of the rmail library.


I save old read mail in several BABYL files.  I often find that there
is *no* newline between the end of one message & the ^_^L of the next
message.  This means that RMAIL does not recognize that these are
different messages.  This with messages that were in my ~/RMAIL file,
and that I copied to another BABYL file via the 'o' command.

I don't see this in my ~/RMAIL itself.  However, I do sometimes see
that a message in my ~RMAIL file does *not* have a newline at the end.

All this despite the following in my ~/.emacs file:

    (setq require-final-newline t)

I have not noticed any pattern of when the problem occurs & when it doesn't.


Both my system inbox (/var/spool/mail/roman) & home directory are
accessed via NFS.  The NFS server is a SPARC running Solaris 7.

MY ~/.emacs FILE:

;;; FILE: ~/.emacs -- startup file for emacs

;;; Set text mode to be the default major mode
(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)

;;; Set default mode for the *scratch* buffer
(setq initial-major-mode 'text-mode)

;;; ignore case in searches
(setq case-fold-search t)

;;; Force emacs to append an end-of-line to the end of a file that does not 
;;; already end in one.
(setq require-final-newline t)

;;; The backup file is made by copying the original file (instead of 
;;; renaming it). This prevents the owner & group of the original file
;;; from changing.
(setq backup-by-copying t)

;;; Read in the abbreviations.  The empty argument means to read from
;;; ~/.abbrev_defs.  Note that this does NOT turn on abbreviation
;;; mode.  I do that in the major mode hooks below.
(read-abbrev-file ())

;;; Set global font lock mode
(global-font-lock-mode 1)

;;; The following is for version 19 of emacs
;;; The following enables highlighting in X mode
(setq transient-mark-mode t)

;;; files can have local variables set in them.  The following
;;; controls how they are processed.
;;;        nil = ignore the local variables
;;;        t   = process the local variables
;;;        else ask whether or not to process the local variables
(setq enable-local-variables t)

;;; NOTE ON AUTO-FILL-MODE -- I tried to do a mode-independent setting
;;; of this, but it did not work.  Maybe because it calls a function
;;; that is dependent on the mode.  The command I tried was:
;;;                (setq auto-fill-mode t)

;;; Set up for text mode
(setq text-mode-hook
      '(lambda () 
         (auto-fill-mode 1)
         (abbrev-mode 1)

;;; Set up for C & C++ modes
(setq c-mode-hook
      '(lambda ()
         (auto-fill-mode 1)
         (abbrev-mode 1)
; Not sure if we ahve C++ mode in version 18 or even at JCT.
(setq c++-mode-hook
      '(lambda ()
         (auto-fill-mode 1)
         (abbrev-mode 1)
(setq c-tab-always-indent nil)
(setq c-indent-level 8)

 ;;; ===============================================================

(setq perl-mode-hook
      '(lambda ()
         (auto-fill-mode 1)
         (abbrev-mode 1)
 ;;; ===============================================================
 ;;; Define function "my-info" that is info that looks at my private info 
 ;;; files.  "std-info" goes back to the system info.  Currently, I can only 
 ;;; run one of them at a time; when I run "my-info", all subsequent info
 ;;; commands will use my private info files.  To go back to the
 ;;; standard info files, I must run "std-info".
 (defun my-info ()
   (setq Info-directory "/home/haim/lib/info/")
 (defun std-info ()
   (setq Info-directory "/usr/local/lib/emacs/info/")

;;; "template-csh" -- automatically insert the C shell template
(fset 'template-csh
   "i/~/lib/temp       csh

;;; "has-no-C-S" sets up so that other keys act as C-S & C-Q (& maybe
;;; other keys).  See below for which keys are mapped to them. This is
;;; useful on vt100.  "has-C-S" cancels this mapping.  However, with
;;; "has-no-C-S", if you work on a terminal/situation that allows use
;;; of C-S & C-Q (e.g., under X), then you can use both C-Q & C-S as
;;; well as the other keys mapped to them.  So there is no reason to
;;; call "has-C-S", unless you need these mapped keys to act
;;; differently from C-S & C-Q.

(defun has-no-C-S ()    ; for vt100
;;      (setq window-min-height 1)
      ;;create a keyboard translation table and set each key to be
      ;;itself. later, swap the meaning of ` (backquote) and ESC keys.
  (let ((the-table (make-string 128 0)))
    (let ((i 0))
      (while (< i 128)
        (aset the-table i i)
        (setq i (1+ i))))
    (aset the-table ?\036 ?\023)        ;; set C-6 to C-S
    (aset the-table ?\035 ?\021)        ;; set C-5 to C-Q
    ;; The only C-digit I can get to work from my PC is C-6!  Why?
    ;; Ask David Adler to show me how to set the telnet parameters.
    ;; (aset the-table ?\010 ?\177)     ;; set BS to DEL
    ;; (aset the-table ?\037 ?\010)     ;; set C-? to BS (C-h)
    ;; (aset the-table ?\277 ?\010)     ;; set M-? to BS  (doesn't work)
    (setq keyboard-translate-table the-table)))

(defun has-C-S ()       ; for X (user can use C-S & C-Q)
  (setq keyboard-translate-table nil))

;;; ===============================================================

;;; Users to omit from the CC line.  To omit the `CC' field
;;; completely for a particular reply, enter the 
;;; reply command with a numeric argument: `C-u r' or `1 r'.
;;; changed "info-" --> "roman|info-".  According to info,
;;; "roman|info-" should be the default.    
;;; (Haim Roman, 2001/12/19)
(setq rmail-dont-reply-to-names "roman|info-")

(setq rmail-delete-after-output t)
(setq rmail-secondary-file-directory "~/rmail")
(setq rmail-secondary-file-regexp "^[^~]+$")
; (setq rmail-inbox-list '("~/mbox" "/var/spool/mail/roman") )
; (setq rmail-primary-inbox-list '("~/mbox" "/var/spool/mail/roman") )
(setq rmail-inbox-list '("~/mbox" "/var/spool/mail/roman" "/var/mail/roman") )
(setq rmail-primary-inbox-list '("~/mbox" "/var/spool/mail/roman"
                                 "/var/mail/roman") )

(setq mail-archive-file-name "~/mbox")

;       Yesterday, Shimi Shteiman & I arranged to have mail sent to
;       @jct.ac.il (instead of to @mail.jct.ac.il) to work.  In order
;       to test this more, I changed my reply-to address accordingly.
;       (Haim Roman, 2002/01/15)
; (setq mail-default-reply-to "roman@mail.jct.ac.il")
(setq mail-default-reply-to "roman@jct.ac.il")

;       I recently added the next 2 lines (alist & enable-mime).
;       Today, I found that the mail-yank-prefix, which follows them,
;       did not work.  So I'm commenting these out for now.
;       (Haim Roman, 2001/06/17)
; (setq rmail-output-file-alist (".*"  "~/rmail/save"))
; (setq rmail-enable-mime t)

(setq mail-yank-prefix "        > ")

(setq rmail-ignored-headers "^via:\\|^from 

(setq mail-yank-ignored-headers 
 \\|^>from \\|^references:")

;;; do something with rmail-message-filter?

;;;     I keep the list of mail aliases in ~/.mailrc.  The command
;;;     em-alias extracts the aliases from that file & converts them
;;;     to emacs form.

;;; ===============================================================
;;;     NOTE -- I can't get the following key bindings for the
;;;     "replace" functions to work in C++ mode.  Neither c-mode-map
;;;     nor c++-mode-map work.  In fact, c++-mode-map is NOT recognized.
;;;     NOTE -- I cannot get ^Q to work from my PC.  In the meantime,
;;;     I have remapped query-replace-regexptp M-C-r.

(global-set-key          "\M-\C-p" 'set-mark-command)
;; (global-set-key          "\M-\C-r" 'replace-regexp)
;; (define-key c-mode-map   "\M-\C-r" 'replace-regexp)
;; ; (define-key c++-mode-map "\M-\C-r" 'replace-regexp)
;; (global-set-key          "\M-\C-q" 'query-replace-regexp)
;; (define-key c-mode-map   "\M-\C-q" 'query-replace-regexp)
;; ; (define-key c++-mode-map "\M-\C-q" 'query-replace-regexp)
(global-set-key          "\M-\C-r" 'query-replace-regexp)
;; (global-set-key   "end" 'end-of-buffer)

(has-no-C-S)    ; see comments under function definitions
;;; pri -- compute priorities of tasks & order accordingly.  
;;; Assumes that there is a command called "pri" in your path.
;;; (fset 'pri
;;;    "h|pri
;;; (fset 'mail-dadler
;;;    "dadler^N^N^N^A^K^K^C^C")
;;; (defun mdadler ()
;;;   (interactive)
;;;   (quoted-insert r)
;;;   (quoted-insert o)
;;;   (quoted-insert m)
;;;   (quoted-insert a)
;;;   (quoted-insert n)
;;;   (next-line)
;;;   (next-line)
;;;   (next-line)
;;;   (beginning-of-line)
;;;   (set-mark-command)
;;;   (next-line)
;;;   (delete-region)
;;;   (mail-send-and-exit)
;;; )
;;; ;; md -- mail to dadler.  This is to be run from mail (NOT rmail)
;;; ;; mode.  It automatically sets dadler as the recipient, cancels
;;; ;; saving the sent msg in my file, and sends the msg.
;;; (fset 'md
;;;    [100 97 100 108 101 114 down down down 1 11 11 3 3])
;;; ;;; mds -- mail to dadler & save.  Sets recipient to dadler, prepends
;;; ;;;     "CISCO-L" to subject, saves in ~/rmail/net/ilan,  & mails.
;;; ;;;     This is intended for forwarding CISCO-L mail to dadler.
;;; (fset 'mds
;;;    [100 97 100 108 101 114 down 1 -8388506 right right 
;;;     67 73 83 67 79 45 76 58 32 down down M-delete
;;;     114 109 97 105 108 47 110 101 116 47 105 108 97 110 3 3])

;; (fset 'mds
;;   [100 97 100 108 101 114 down 1 -8388506 right right 67 73 83 67 79 45 76 
58 32 down down M-delete 114 109 97 105 108 47 110 101 116 47 105 108 97 110 3 

;;; ;;; mds-old -- mail to dadler & save.  Like mds, except does NOT
;;; ;;;     prepend "CISCO-L" to subject line.
;;; (fset 'mds-old
;;;    [100 97 100 108 101 114 down down down 5
;;;     delete delete delete delete 
;;;     114 109 97 105 108 47 110 101 116 47 105 108 97 110 3 3])

(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)

(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil)

(put 'narrow-to-page 'disabled nil)

Recent input:
down down down down down down down down up up up up 
up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up 
up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up 
up up up up up up up up up up up down-mouse-2 mouse-2 
next next prior prior prior down-mouse-2 mouse-2 next 
next next next next next next next next next next next 
next next next next next next next home down-mouse-2 
drag-mouse-2 down-mouse-1 mouse-1 C-down-mouse-1 prior 
M-x r e p o tab down-mouse-2 mouse-2

Recent messages:
Loading info...done
Composing main Info directory...
Mark set
Composing main Info directory...done
Composing main Info directory...
Mark set
Composing main Info directory...done
Beginning of buffer
Mark set
Making completion list...

Haim (Howard) Roman     |  Computer Center
roman@mail.jct.ac.il    |  Jerusalem College of Technology,  ISRAEL

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