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Colored icons in toolbar

From: Armbruster Dieter (AE/DIC2) *
Subject: Colored icons in toolbar
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 19:40:32 +0100

In Emacs 21.1 it was promised that the icons in the toolbar are colored, iff
it is compiled with xpm-support.

I installed it on Solaris2.8 with GNU-xpm 3.4k - and emacs seems to use
libXpm.so.4.11 (at least it complains if it's not in LD_LIBRARY_PATH). 
However, my icons are black and white?

Any idea, what went wrong?

Thanks in advance

  Dr.Dieter Armbruster

  Robert Bosch GmbH Reutlingen  
  Tel:  +49 (0) 7121-35-6565


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