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emacs-devel via NNTP? My pal is willing to host

From: Dan Jacobson
Subject: emacs-devel via NNTP? My pal is willing to host
Date: 04 Jun 2002 01:07:57 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

Hmmm, "emacs-devel".  Sounds tasty.  Shall I arrange for my friend to
make it available by NNTP from readonly server news2.sinica.edu.tw ?

That way even us low end slow POP modem users could occasionally
browse it without risking burying our tiny mailboxes.

Tell me the subscription method so i can tell him if you are willing.
P.S. http://www.softwareliberty.org/ is  Software Liberty Association
of Taiwan where he's a member.
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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