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Emacs 20 Antinews - unclear entry

From: Paul Stoeber
Subject: Emacs 20 Antinews - unclear entry
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 09:28:48 +0000

Emacs 21.2.1.  One entry of Emacs 20 Antinews:

        - The variable `show-trailing-whitespace' has no special
          meaning, so trailing whitespace on a line is now always
          displayed correctly: as empty space.  To see if a line ends
          with spaces or tabs, type `C-e' on that line.  Likewise,
          empty lines at the end of the buffer are not marked in any
          way; use `M->' to see where the end of the buffer is.

I don't grasp the sentence with "`M->'".  When I go to
`*scratch*', set `show-trailing-whitespace' to `t',
and append some empty lines to the buffer, I still have
to type `M->' too see the end of buffer.  I can't see
any distinction with TERM=linux, with TERM=screen (over
TERM=linux), with TERM=xterm, or with Emacs running in an
X window.  The trailing-whitespace red bars I see, but
not the end of buffer.  I did redraw with C-l.  What am
I missing?

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