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patch for startup.el (fix barf when first arg to `command-line-1' is in

From: Matt Swift
Subject: patch for startup.el (fix barf when first arg to `command-line-1' is in --opt=val form)
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 03:04:04 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.090016 (Oort Gnus v0.16) Emacs/21.2

This patch is against startup.el 1.312 and is a supserset of the patch
I submitted earlier today.

2003-02-18  Matt Swift  <swift@alum.mit.edu>

        * startup.el: Make parallel pieces of code in different functions
        as similar as possible, so a reader can recognize what it's doing
        more easily.  Examples: parsing an --OPT=VAL argument (three
        instances), use (member x '(a b)) instead of (or (equal x a)
        \(equal x b)), use `equal' instead of random choice of `equal'
        `string-equal' and `string='.

        Rephrase booleans to avoid `(not noninteractive)'.  Clarify
        several booleans using De Morgan's laws.  Example:
          (when (and (not (display-graphic-p))
                     (not noninteractive))
          (unless (or (display-graphic-p) noninteractive)
        Simplify and streamline here and there, e.g., use `push' and `pop'
        instead of more verbose constructions.

        (command-line): Fix barf when first command-line option handled by
        `command-line-1' is in the form --OPT=VAL.
        (command-line-1): Remove unnecessary variables `extra-load-path'
        and `initial-load-path'.
--- startup.el  4 Feb 2003 12:06:14 -0000       1.312
+++ startup.el  18 Feb 2003 07:19:17 -0000
@@ -575,81 +575,71 @@
 (defvar tool-bar-originally-present nil
   "Non-nil if tool-bars are present before user and site init files are read.")
-;; Handle the X-like command line parameters "-fg", "-bg", "-name", etc.
+;; Handle the X-like command-line arguments "-fg", "-bg", "-name", etc.
 (defun tty-handle-args (args)
-  (let ((rest nil))
+  (let (rest)
     (message "%s" args)
     (while (and args
                (not (equal (car args) "--")))
-      (let* ((this (car args))
-            (orig-this this)
-            completion argval)
-       (setq args (cdr args))
+      (let* ((argi (pop args))
+            (orig-argi argi)
+            argval completion)
        ;; Check for long options with attached arguments
        ;; and separate out the attached option argument into argval.
-       (if (string-match "^--[^=]*=" this)
-           (setq argval (substring this (match-end 0))
-                 this (substring this 0 (1- (match-end 0)))))
-       (when (string-match "^--" this)
-         (setq completion (try-completion this tty-long-option-alist))
+       (when (string-match "^\\(--[^=]*\\)=" argi)
+          (setq argval (substring argi (match-end 0))
+                argi (match-string 1 argi)))
+       (when (string-match "^--" argi)
+         (setq completion (try-completion argi tty-long-option-alist))
          (if (eq completion t)
              ;; Exact match for long option.
-             (setq this (cdr (assoc this tty-long-option-alist)))
+             (setq argi (cdr (assoc argi tty-long-option-alist)))
            (if (stringp completion)
                (let ((elt (assoc completion tty-long-option-alist)))
                  ;; Check for abbreviated long option.
                  (or elt
-                     (error "Option `%s' is ambiguous" this))
-                 (setq this (cdr elt)))
+                     (error "Option `%s' is ambiguous" argi))
+                 (setq argi (cdr elt)))
              ;; Check for a short option.
-             (setq argval nil this orig-this))))
-       (cond ((or (string= this "-fg") (string= this "-foreground"))
-              (or argval (setq argval (car args) args (cdr args)))
-              (setq default-frame-alist
-                    (cons (cons 'foreground-color argval)
-                          default-frame-alist)))
-             ((or (string= this "-bg") (string= this "-background"))
-              (or argval (setq argval (car args) args (cdr args)))
-              (setq default-frame-alist
-                    (cons (cons 'background-color argval)
-                          default-frame-alist)))
-             ((or (string= this "-T") (string= this "-name"))
-              (or argval (setq argval (car args) args (cdr args)))
-              (setq default-frame-alist
-                    (cons
-                     (cons 'title
-                           (if (stringp argval)
-                               argval
-                             (let ((case-fold-search t)
-                                   i)
-                               (setq argval (invocation-name))
-                               ;; Change any . or * characters in name to
-                               ;; hyphens, so as to emulate behavior on X.
-                               (while
-                                   (setq i (string-match "[.*]" argval))
-                                 (aset argval i ?-))
-                               argval)))
-                     default-frame-alist)))
-             ((or (string= this "-r")
-                  (string= this "-rv")
-                  (string= this "-reverse"))
-              (setq default-frame-alist
-                    (cons '(reverse . t)
-                          default-frame-alist)))
-             ((string= this "-color")
-              (if (null argval)
-                  (setq argval 8))     ; default --color means 8 ANSI colors
-              (setq default-frame-alist
-                    (cons (cons 'tty-color-mode
-                                (cond
-                                 ((numberp argval) argval)
-                                 ((string-match "-?[0-9]+" argval)
-                                  (string-to-number argval))
-                                 (t (intern argval))))
-                          default-frame-alist)))
-             (t (setq rest (cons this rest))))))
-      (nreverse rest)))
+             (setq argval nil
+                    argi orig-argi))))
+       (cond ((member argi '("-fg" "-foreground"))
+              (push (cons 'foreground-color (or argval (pop args)))
+                     default-frame-alist))
+             ((member argi '("-bg" "-background"))
+              (push (cons 'background-color (or argval (pop args)))
+                     default-frame-alist))
+             ((member argi '("-T" "-name"))
+              (unless argval (setq argval (pop args)))
+              (push (cons 'title
+                           (if (stringp argval)
+                               argval
+                             (let ((case-fold-search t)
+                                   i)
+                               (setq argval (invocation-name))
+                               ;; Change any . or * characters in name to
+                               ;; hyphens, so as to emulate behavior on X.
+                               (while
+                                   (setq i (string-match "[.*]" argval))
+                                 (aset argval i ?-))
+                               argval)))
+                     default-frame-alist))
+             ((member argi '("-r" "-rv" "-reverse"))
+              (push '(reverse . t)
+                     default-frame-alist))
+             ((equal argi "-color")
+              (unless argval (setq argval 8)) ; default --color means 8 ANSI 
+              (push (cons 'tty-color-mode
+                           (cond
+                            ((numberp argval) argval)
+                            ((string-match "-?[0-9]+" argval)
+                             (string-to-number argval))
+                            (t (intern argval))))
+                     default-frame-alist))
+             (t
+               (push argi rest)))))
+    (nreverse rest)))
 (defun command-line ()
   (setq command-line-default-directory default-directory)
@@ -675,14 +665,11 @@
   ;; See if we should import version-control from the environment variable.
   (let ((vc (getenv "VERSION_CONTROL")))
     (cond ((eq vc nil))                        ;don't do anything if not set
-         ((or (string= vc "t")
-              (string= vc "numbered"))
+         ((member vc '("t" "numbered"))
           (setq version-control t))
-         ((or (string= vc "nil")
-              (string= vc "existing"))
+         ((member vc '("nil" "existing"))
           (setq version-control nil))
-         ((or (string= vc "never")
-              (string= vc "simple"))
+         ((member vc '("never" "simple"))
           (setq version-control 'never))))
   ;;! This has been commented out; I currently find the behavior when
@@ -695,15 +682,15 @@
   ;; end-of-line formats that aren't native to this platform.
    ((memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt emx))
-    (setq eol-mnemonic-unix "(Unix)")
-    (setq eol-mnemonic-mac  "(Mac)"))
+    (setq eol-mnemonic-unix "(Unix)"
+          eol-mnemonic-mac  "(Mac)"))
    ;; Both Mac and Unix EOLs are now "native" on Mac OS so keep the
    ;; abbreviated strings `/' and `:' set in coding.c for them.
    ((eq system-type 'macos)
     (setq eol-mnemonic-dos  "(DOS)"))
-   (t  ; this is for Unix/GNU/Linux systems
-    (setq eol-mnemonic-dos  "(DOS)")
-    (setq eol-mnemonic-mac  "(Mac)")))
+   (t                                   ; this is for Unix/GNU/Linux systems
+    (setq eol-mnemonic-dos  "(DOS)"
+          eol-mnemonic-mac  "(Mac)")))
   ;; Read window system's init file if using a window system.
   (condition-case error
@@ -721,21 +708,20 @@
          (apply 'concat (cdr error))
        (if (memq 'file-error (get (car error) 'error-conditions))
            (format "%s: %s"
-                    (nth 1 error)
-                    (mapconcat (lambda (obj) (prin1-to-string obj t))
-                               (cdr (cdr error)) ", "))
+                    (nth 1 error)
+                    (mapconcat (lambda (obj) (prin1-to-string obj t))
+                               (cdr (cdr error)) ", "))
          (format "%s: %s"
-                  (get (car error) 'error-message)
-                  (mapconcat (lambda (obj) (prin1-to-string obj t))
-                             (cdr error) ", "))))
+                  (get (car error) 'error-message)
+                  (mapconcat (lambda (obj) (prin1-to-string obj t))
+                             (cdr error) ", "))))
      (terpri 'external-debugging-output)
      (setq window-system nil)
   ;; Windowed displays do this inside their *-win.el.
-  (when (and (not (display-graphic-p))
-            (not noninteractive))
+  (unless (or (display-graphic-p) noninteractive)
     (setq command-line-args (tty-handle-args command-line-args)))
   (set-locale-environment nil)
@@ -745,7 +731,7 @@
     (while args
       (setcar args
              (decode-coding-string (car args) locale-coding-system t))
-      (setq args (cdr args))))
+      (pop args)))
   (let ((done nil)
        (args (cdr command-line-args)))
@@ -754,22 +740,23 @@
     ;; either from the environment or from the options.
     (setq init-file-user (if noninteractive nil (user-login-name)))
     ;; If user has not done su, use current $HOME to find .emacs.
-    (and init-file-user (string= init-file-user (user-real-login-name))
+    (and init-file-user
+         (equal init-file-user (user-real-login-name))
         (setq init-file-user ""))
     ;; Process the command-line args, and delete the arguments
     ;; processed.  This is consistent with the way main in emacs.c
     ;; does things.
     (while (and (not done) args)
-      (let ((longopts '(("--no-init-file") ("--no-site-file") ("--user")
-                       ("--debug-init") ("--iconic") ("--icon-type")))
-           (argi (pop args))
-           (argval nil))
+      (let* ((longopts '(("--no-init-file") ("--no-site-file") ("--user")
+                         ("--debug-init") ("--iconic") ("--icon-type")))
+             (argi (pop args))
+             (orig-argi argi)
+             argval)
        ;; Handle --OPTION=VALUE format.
-       (when (and (string-match "\\`--" argi)
-                  (string-match "=" argi))
+       (when (string-match "^\\(--[^=]*\\)=" argi)
          (setq argval (substring argi (match-end 0))
-               argi (substring argi 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+                argi (match-string 1 argi)))
        (unless (equal argi "--")
          (let ((completion (try-completion argi longopts)))
            (if (eq completion t)
@@ -779,54 +766,54 @@
                    (or elt
                        (error "Option `%s' is ambiguous" argi))
                    (setq argi (substring (car elt) 1)))
-               (setq argval nil)))))
+               (setq argval nil
+                      argi orig-argi)))))
         ((member argi '("-q" "-no-init-file"))
          (setq init-file-user nil))
         ((member argi '("-u" "-user"))
-         (or argval
-             (setq argval (pop args)))
-         (setq init-file-user argval
+         (setq init-file-user (or argval (pop args))
                argval nil))
-        ((string-equal argi "-no-site-file")
+        ((equal argi "-no-site-file")
          (setq site-run-file nil))
-        ((string-equal argi "-debug-init")
+        ((equal argi "-debug-init")
          (setq init-file-debug t))
-        ((string-equal argi "-iconic")
+        ((equal argi "-iconic")
          (push '(visibility . icon) initial-frame-alist))
-        ((or (string-equal argi "-icon-type")
-             (string-equal argi "-i")
-             (string-equal argi "-itype"))
+        ((member argi '("-icon-type" "-i" "-itype"))
          (push '(icon-type . t) default-frame-alist))
         ;; Push the popped arg back on the list of arguments.
-        (t (push argi args) (setq done t)))
+        (t
+          (push argi args)
+          (setq done t)))
        ;; Was argval set but not used?
        (and argval
             (error "Option `%s' doesn't allow an argument" argi))))
     ;; Re-attach the program name to the front of the arg list.
-    (and command-line-args (setcdr command-line-args args)))
+    (and command-line-args
+         (setcdr command-line-args args)))
   ;; Under X Windows, this creates the X frame and deletes the terminal frame.
   (when (fboundp 'frame-initialize)
   ;; If frame was created with a menu bar, set menu-bar-mode on.
-  (if (and (not noninteractive)
-          (or (not (memq window-system '(x w32)))
-              (> (frame-parameter nil 'menu-bar-lines) 0)))
-      (menu-bar-mode t))
+  (unless (or noninteractive
+              (and (memq window-system '(x w32))
+                   (<= (frame-parameter nil 'menu-bar-lines) 0)))
+    (menu-bar-mode t))
   ;; If frame was created with a tool bar, switch tool-bar-mode on.
-  (when (and (not noninteractive)
-            (display-graphic-p)
-            (> (frame-parameter nil 'tool-bar-lines) 0))
+  (unless (or noninteractive
+              (not (display-graphic-p))
+              (<= (frame-parameter nil 'tool-bar-lines) 0))
     (tool-bar-mode 1))
   ;; Can't do this init in defcustom because window-system isn't set.
-  (when (and (not noninteractive)
-            (not (eq system-type 'ms-dos))
-            (memq window-system '(x w32)))
+  (unless (or noninteractive
+              (eq system-type 'ms-dos)
+              (not (memq window-system '(x w32))))
     (setq-default blink-cursor t)
     (blink-cursor-mode 1))
@@ -845,19 +832,19 @@
       (setq-default normal-erase-is-backspace t)
       (normal-erase-is-backspace-mode 1)))
-  (when (and (not noninteractive)
-            (display-graphic-p)
-            (fboundp 'x-show-tip))
+  (unless (or noninteractive
+              (not (display-graphic-p))
+              (not (fboundp 'x-show-tip)))
     (setq-default tooltip-mode t)
     (tooltip-mode 1))
   ;; Register default TTY colors for the case the terminal hasn't a
   ;; terminal init file.
-  (or (memq window-system '(x w32))
-      ;; We do this regardles of whether the terminal supports colors
-      ;; or not, since they can switch that support on or off in
-      ;; mid-session by setting the tty-color-mode frame parameter.
-      (tty-register-default-colors))
+  (unless (memq window-system '(x w32))
+    ;; We do this regardles of whether the terminal supports colors
+    ;; or not, since they can switch that support on or off in
+    ;; mid-session by setting the tty-color-mode frame parameter.
+    (tty-register-default-colors))
   ;; Record whether the tool-bar is present before the user and site
   ;; init files are processed.  frame-notice-user-settings uses this
@@ -867,9 +854,9 @@
     (let ((tool-bar-lines (or (assq 'tool-bar-lines initial-frame-alist)
                               (assq 'tool-bar-lines default-frame-alist))))
       (setq tool-bar-originally-present
-            (not (or (null tool-bar-lines)
-                     (null (cdr tool-bar-lines))
-                     (eq 0 (cdr tool-bar-lines)))))))
+            (and tool-bar-lines
+                 (cdr tool-bar-lines)
+                 (not (eq 0 (cdr tool-bar-lines)))))))
   (let ((old-scalable-fonts-allowed scalable-fonts-allowed)
        (old-font-list-limit font-list-limit)
@@ -952,19 +939,19 @@
                              (sit-for 1))
                            (setq user-init-file source))))
-                     (when (and (stringp custom-file)
-                                (not (assoc custom-file load-history)))
-                       ;; If the .emacs file has set `custom-file' but hasn't
-                       ;; loaded the file yet, let's load it.
-                       (load custom-file t t))
-                     (or inhibit-default-init
-                         (let ((inhibit-startup-message nil))
-                           ;; Users are supposed to be told their rights.
-                           ;; (Plus how to get help and how to undo.)
-                           ;; Don't you dare turn this off for anyone
-                           ;; except yourself.
-                           (load "default" t t)))))))))
+                     (when (stringp custom-file)
+                        (unless (assoc custom-file load-history)
+                          ;; If the .emacs file has set `custom-file' but 
+                          ;; loaded the file yet, let's load it.
+                          (load custom-file t t)))
+                     (unless inhibit-default-init
+                        (let ((inhibit-startup-message nil))
+                          ;; Users are supposed to be told their rights.
+                          ;; (Plus how to get help and how to undo.)
+                          ;; Don't you dare turn this off for anyone
+                          ;; except yourself.
+                          (load "default" t t)))))))))
        (if init-file-debug
            ;; Do this without a condition-case if the user wants to debug.
            (funcall inner)
@@ -1050,15 +1037,18 @@
   ;; Load library for our terminal type.
   ;; User init file can set term-file-prefix to nil to prevent this.
-  (and term-file-prefix (not noninteractive) (not window-system)
-       (let ((term (getenv "TERM"))
-            hyphend)
-        (while (and term
-                    (not (load (concat term-file-prefix term) t t)))
-          ;; Strip off last hyphen and what follows, then try again
-          (if (setq hyphend (string-match "[-_][^-_]+$" term))
-              (setq term (substring term 0 hyphend))
-            (setq term nil)))))
+  (unless (or noninteractive
+              window-system
+              (null term-file-prefix))
+    (let ((term (getenv "TERM"))
+          hyphend)
+      (while (and term
+                  (not (load (concat term-file-prefix term) t t)))
+        ;; Strip off last hyphen and what follows, then try again
+        (setq term
+              (if (setq hyphend (string-match "[-_][^-_]+$" term))
+                  (substring term 0 hyphend)
+                nil)))))
   ;; Update the out-of-memory error message based on user's key bindings
   ;; for save-some-buffers.
@@ -1074,7 +1064,8 @@
   ;; Run emacs-session-restore (session management) if started by
   ;; the session manager and we have a session manager connection.
-  (if (and (boundp 'x-session-previous-id) (stringp x-session-previous-id))
+  (if (and (boundp 'x-session-previous-id)
+           (stringp x-session-previous-id))
       (emacs-session-restore x-session-previous-id)))
 (defcustom initial-scratch-message (purecopy "\
@@ -1581,11 +1572,7 @@
        (while (and command-line-args-left)
          (let* ((argi (car command-line-args-left))
                 (orig-argi argi)
-                argval completion
-                ;; List of directories specified in -L/--directory,
-                ;; in reverse of the order specified.
-                extra-load-path
-                (initial-load-path load-path))
+                argval completion)
            (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))
            ;; Do preliminary decoding of the option.
@@ -1594,9 +1581,9 @@
                (setq argi "")
              ;; Convert long options to ordinary options
              ;; and separate out an attached option argument into argval.
-             (if (string-match "^--[^=]*=" argi)
-                 (setq argval (substring argi (match-end 0))
-                       argi (substring argi 0 (1- (match-end 0)))))
+             (when (string-match "^\\(--[^=]*\\)=" argi)
+                (setq argval (substring argi (match-end 0))
+                      argi (match-string 1 argi)))
              (if (equal argi "--")
                  (setq completion nil)
                (setq completion (try-completion argi longopts)))
@@ -1607,7 +1594,8 @@
                      (or elt
                          (error "Option `%s' is ambiguous" argi))
                      (setq argi (substring (car elt) 1)))
-                 (setq argval nil argi orig-argi))))
+                 (setq argval nil
+                        argi orig-argi))))
            ;; Execute the option.
            (cond ((setq tem (assoc argi command-switch-alist))
@@ -1617,61 +1605,43 @@
                         (funcall (cdr tem) argi))
                     (funcall (cdr tem) argi)))
-                 ((string-equal argi "-no-splash")
+                 ((equal argi "-no-splash")
                   (setq inhibit-startup-message t))
-                 ((member argi '("-f"  ;what the manual claims
+                 ((member argi '("-f"  ; what the manual claims
                                  "-e")) ; what the source used to say
-                  (if argval
-                      (setq tem (intern argval))
-                    (setq tem (intern (car command-line-args-left)))
-                    (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
+                   (setq tem (intern (or argval (pop command-line-args-left))))
                   (if (arrayp (symbol-function tem))
                       (command-execute tem)
                     (funcall tem)))
                  ((member argi '("-eval" "-execute"))
-                  (if argval
-                      (setq tem argval)
-                    (setq tem (car command-line-args-left))
-                    (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
-                  (eval (read tem)))
+                  (eval (read (or argval (pop command-line-args-left)))))
                  ;; Set the default directory as specified in -L.
                  ((member argi '("-L" "-directory"))
-                  (if argval
-                      (setq tem argval)
-                    (setq tem (car command-line-args-left)
-                          command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
-                  (setq tem (command-line-normalize-file-name tem))
-                  (setq extra-load-path
-                        (cons (expand-file-name tem) extra-load-path))
-                  (setq load-path (append (nreverse extra-load-path)
-                                          initial-load-path)))
+                   (setq tem (or argval (pop command-line-args-left)))
+                  (push
+                    (expand-file-name (command-line-normalize-file-name tem))
+                    load-path))
                  ((member argi '("-l" "-load"))
-                  (if argval
-                      (setq tem argval)
-                    (setq tem (car command-line-args-left)
-                          command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
-                  (let ((file (command-line-normalize-file-name tem)))
-                    ;; Take file from default dir if it exists there;
-                    ;; otherwise let `load' search for it.
-                    (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name file))
-                        (setq file (expand-file-name file)))
+                  (let* ((file (command-line-normalize-file-name
+                                 (or argval (pop command-line-args-left))))
+                          ;; Take file from default dir if it exists there;
+                          ;; otherwise let `load' search for it.
+                          (file-ex (expand-file-name file))
+                          (file (and (file-exists-p file-ex) file-ex)))
                     (load file nil t)))
-                 ((string-equal argi "-insert")
-                  (if argval
-                      (setq tem argval)
-                    (setq tem (car command-line-args-left)
-                          command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
+                 ((equal argi "-insert")
+                   (setq tem (or argval (pop command-line-args-left)))
                   (or (stringp tem)
                       (error "File name omitted from `-insert' option"))
                   (insert-file-contents (command-line-normalize-file-name 
-                 ((string-equal argi "-kill")
+                 ((equal argi "-kill")
                   (kill-emacs t))
                  ((string-match "^\\+[0-9]+\\'" argi)
@@ -1688,10 +1658,7 @@
                  ((member argi '("-find-file" "-file" "-visit"))
                   ;; An explicit option to specify visiting a file.
-                  (if argval
-                      (setq tem argval)
-                    (setq tem (car command-line-args-left)
-                          command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
+                   (setq tem (or argval (pop command-line-args-left)))
                   (unless (stringp tem)
                     (error "File name omitted from `%s' option" argi))
                   (setq file-count (1+ file-count))
@@ -1712,13 +1679,13 @@
                   ;; We have almost exhausted our options. See if the
                   ;; user has made any other command-line options available
-                  (let ((hooks command-line-functions) ;; lrs 7/31/89
+                  (let ((hooks command-line-functions) ;; lrs 7/31/89
                         (did-hook nil))
                     (while (and hooks
                                 (not (setq did-hook (funcall (car hooks)))))
                       (setq hooks (cdr hooks)))
                     (if (not did-hook)
-                      ;; Ok, presume that the argument is a file name
+                         ;; Ok, presume that the argument is a file name
                           (if (string-match "\\`-" argi)
                               (error "Unknown option `%s'" argi))

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