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ange-ftp sets TERM=dumb in both its subprocess and emacs' main process

From: Arturo García Ares
Subject: ange-ftp sets TERM=dumb in both its subprocess and emacs' main process
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 23:28:04 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


I'm having the following problem: if I start emacs with the command

        $ emacs -l /ftp@host:.emacs

(that's the method I use to run emacs with my own config from a
'foreign' environment, substituting host for the real name)

then the TERM environment variable that the ftp-loaded .emacs sees is
"dumb" instead of the original setting, and that screws my config. I
understand that ange-ftp has to set TERM=dumb in it's own process to
keep the ftp client from cluttering the output with escape sequences,
but I see that it's also setting TERM=dumb in the main emacs process
(well, the truth is that only process-environment is changed, *not* the
real process environment).

Don't really know if this is a feature or a bug; in case it's a
well-known feature, I apology for wasting your time, but then I would
like to know how to reach the original TERM setting from within my
.emacs loaded via ange-ftp.

The emacs version I'm using is "GNU Emacs 21.3.1", as reported by 'emacs


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