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bug#911: 23.0.60; custom-set-faces causes "New Frame" to fail (max-specp

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#911: 23.0.60; custom-set-faces causes "New Frame" to fail (max-specpdl-size)
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 14:50:55 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

> When I tried to instrument those two functions, there was no problem
> with face-spec-recalc, but face-spec-set-2 refused to instrument
> with the following complaint:
> edebug-syntax-error: Invalid read syntax: "Expected lambda expression"

Sorry.  Please append the code below at the end of your .emacs and send
me the contents of the *face-spec-set-2* buffer after the bug occurred.

Thanks, martin.

;;;; Code starts here
(require 'cl)
(require 'faces)

(defun face-spec-set-2 (face frame spec)
  "Set the face attributes of FACE on FRAME according to SPEC."
  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*face-spec-set-2*")
     (format "face %s frame %s spec %s" face frame spec))
    (insert "\n"))
  (let* ((attrs (face-spec-choose spec frame)))
    (while attrs
      (let ((attribute (car attrs))
            (value (car (cdr attrs))))
        ;; Support some old-style attribute names and values.
        (case attribute
          (:bold (setq attribute :weight value (if value 'bold 'normal)))
          (:italic (setq attribute :slant value (if value 'italic 'normal)))
          ((:foreground :background)
           ;; Compatibility with 20.x.  Some bogus face specs seem to
           ;; exist containing things like `:foreground nil'.
           (if (null value) (setq value 'unspecified)))
          (t (unless (assq attribute face-x-resources)
               (setq attribute nil))))
        (when attribute
          (set-face-attribute face frame attribute value)))
      (setq attrs (cdr (cdr attrs))))))
;;;; Code ends here

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