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bug#954: indentation in latex-mode in emacs-23

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#954: indentation in latex-mode in emacs-23
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:18:19 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

 > It's not something I can convince you about. And I don't think there
 > is any correct or incorrect formatting style. It's just from my 10
 > years experience. As I get older, it gets harder to accommodate new
 > things no matter how small they are....

... sounds convincing.  What about the attached patch?


*** textmodes/tex-mode.el.~1.218.~      2008-09-23 10:17:14.531250000 +0200
--- textmodes/tex-mode.el       2008-09-24 09:57:17.203125000 +0200
*** 1482,1487 ****
--- 1482,1489 ----
      (goto-char spot)))
+ (defvar latex-handle-escaped-parens t)
  ;; Don't think this one actually _needs_ (for the purposes of
  ;; tex-mode) to handle escaped parens.
  (defun latex-backward-sexp-1 ()
*** 1489,1499 ****
    (let ((pos (point))
      (backward-sexp 1)
!     (cond ((looking-at "\\\\\\(begin\\>\\|[[({]\\)")
           (signal 'scan-error
                   (list "Containing expression ends prematurely"
                         (point) (prog1 (point) (goto-char pos)))))
!         ((looking-at "\\\\\\([])}]\\)")
           (tex-last-unended-eparen (match-string 1)))
          ((eq (char-after) ?{)
           (let ((newpos (point)))
--- 1491,1505 ----
    (let ((pos (point))
      (backward-sexp 1)
!     (cond ((looking-at
!           (if latex-handle-escaped-parens
!               "\\\\\\(begin\\>\\|[[({]\\)"
!             "\\\\begin\\>"))
           (signal 'scan-error
                   (list "Containing expression ends prematurely"
                         (point) (prog1 (point) (goto-char pos)))))
!         ((and latex-handle-escaped-parens
!               (looking-at "\\\\\\([])}]\\)"))
           (tex-last-unended-eparen (match-string 1)))
          ((eq (char-after) ?{)
           (let ((newpos (point)))
*** 1528,1539 ****
         ;; A better way to handle this, \( .. \) etc, is probably to
         ;; temporarily change the syntax of the \ in \( to punctuation.
!        ((looking-back "\\\\[])}]")
        (signal 'scan-error
                (list "Containing expression ends prematurely"
                      (- (point) 2) (prog1 (point)
                                      (goto-char pos)))))
!        ((looking-back "\\\\\\([({[]\\)")
        (tex-next-unmatched-eparen (match-string 1)))
         (t (goto-char newpos))))))
--- 1534,1547 ----
         ;; A better way to handle this, \( .. \) etc, is probably to
         ;; temporarily change the syntax of the \ in \( to punctuation.
!        ((and latex-handle-escaped-parens
!            (looking-back "\\\\[])}]"))
        (signal 'scan-error
                (list "Containing expression ends prematurely"
                      (- (point) 2) (prog1 (point)
                                      (goto-char pos)))))
!        ((and latex-handle-escaped-parens
!            (looking-back "\\\\\\([({[]\\)"))
        (tex-next-unmatched-eparen (match-string 1)))
         (t (goto-char newpos))))))
*** 2568,2670 ****
            (indent-line-to indent)
          (save-excursion (indent-line-to indent)))))))
  (defun latex-find-indent (&optional virtual)
    "Find the proper indentation of text after point.
  VIRTUAL if non-nil indicates that we're only trying to find the indentation
    in order to determine the indentation of something else.
  There might be text before point."
!   (save-excursion
!     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!     (or
!      ;; Stick the first line at column 0.
!      (and (= (point-min) (line-beginning-position)) 0)
!      ;; Trust the current indentation, if such info is applicable.
!      (and virtual (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t&") (bolp))
!         (current-column))
!      ;; Stick verbatim environments to the left margin.
!      (and (looking-at "\\\\\\(begin\\|end\\) *{\\([^\n}]+\\)")
!         (member (match-string 2) tex-verbatim-environments)
!         0)
!      ;; Put leading close-paren where the matching open paren would be.
!      (let (escaped)
!        (and (or (eq (latex-syntax-after) ?\))
!               ;; Try to handle escaped close parens but keep original
!               ;; position if it doesn't work out.
!               (setq escaped (looking-at "\\\\\\([])}]\\)")))
!           (ignore-errors
!            (save-excursion
!              (when escaped
!                (goto-char (match-beginning 1)))
!              (latex-skip-close-parens)
!              (latex-find-indent 'virtual)))))
!      ;; Default (maybe an argument)
!      (let ((pos (point))
!          ;; Outdent \item if necessary.
!          (indent (if (looking-at tex-indent-item-re) (- tex-indent-item) 0))
!          up-list-pos)
!        ;; Find the previous point which determines our current indentation.
!        (condition-case err
!          (progn
!            (latex-backward-sexp-1)
!            (while (> (current-column) (current-indentation))
!              (latex-backward-sexp-1)))
!        (scan-error
!         (setq up-list-pos (nth 2 err))))
!        (cond
!       ((= (point-min) pos) 0) ; We're really just indenting the first line.
!       ((integerp up-list-pos)
!        ;; Have to indent relative to the open-paren.
!        (goto-char up-list-pos)
!        (if (and (not tex-indent-allhanging)
!                 (save-excursion
!                   ;; Make sure we're an argument to a macro and
!                   ;; that the macro is at the beginning of a line.
!                   (condition-case nil
!                       (progn
!                         (while (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?\()
!                           (forward-sexp -1))
!                         (and (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?/)
!                              (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t&")
!                                     (bolp))))
!                     (scan-error nil)))
!                 (> pos (progn (latex-down-list)
!                               (forward-comment (point-max))
!                               (point))))
!                ;; Align with the first element after the open-paren.
!            (current-column)
!          ;; We're the first element after a hanging brace.
           (goto-char up-list-pos)
!          (+ (if (and (looking-at "\\\\begin *{\\([^\n}]+\\)")
!                      (member (match-string 1)
!                              latex-noindent-environments))
!                 0 tex-indent-basic)
!             indent (latex-find-indent 'virtual))))
!       ;; We're now at the "beginning" of a line.
!       ((not (and (not virtual) (eq (char-after) ?\\)))
!        ;; Nothing particular here: just keep the same indentation.
!        (+ indent (current-column)))
!       ;; We're now looking at a macro call.
!       ((looking-at tex-indent-item-re)
!        ;; Indenting relative to an item, have to re-add the outdenting.
!        (+ indent (current-column) tex-indent-item))
!       (t
!        (let ((col (current-column)))
!          (if (or (not (eq (char-syntax (or (char-after pos) ?\s)) ?\())
!                  ;; Can't be an arg if there's an empty line inbetween.
!                  (save-excursion (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*$" pos t)))
!              ;; If the first char was not an open-paren, there's
!              ;; a risk that this is really not an argument to the
!              ;; macro at all.
!              (+ indent col)
!            (forward-sexp 1)
!            (if (< (line-end-position)
!                   (save-excursion (forward-comment (point-max))
!                                   (point)))
!                ;; we're indenting the first argument.
!                (min (current-column) (+ tex-indent-arg col))
!              (skip-syntax-forward " ")
!              (current-column))))))))))
  ;;; DocTeX support
  (defun doctex-font-lock-^^A ()
--- 2576,2690 ----
            (indent-line-to indent)
          (save-excursion (indent-line-to indent)))))))
+ (defcustom latex-indent-within-escaped-parens nil
+   "Non-nil means add extra indent to text within escaped parens.
+ When this is non-nil, text within matching pairs of escaped
+ parens is indented at the column following the open paren.  The
+ default value does not add any extra indent thus providing the
+ behavior of Emacs 22 and earlier."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'tex
+   :version "23.1")
  (defun latex-find-indent (&optional virtual)
    "Find the proper indentation of text after point.
  VIRTUAL if non-nil indicates that we're only trying to find the indentation
    in order to determine the indentation of something else.
  There might be text before point."
!   (let ((latex-handle-escaped-parens latex-indent-within-escaped-parens))
!     (save-excursion
!       (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!       (or
!        ;; Stick the first line at column 0.
!        (and (= (point-min) (line-beginning-position)) 0)
!        ;; Trust the current indentation, if such info is applicable.
!        (and virtual (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t&") (bolp))
!           (current-column))
!        ;; Stick verbatim environments to the left margin.
!        (and (looking-at "\\\\\\(begin\\|end\\) *{\\([^\n}]+\\)")
!           (member (match-string 2) tex-verbatim-environments)
!           0)
!        ;; Put leading close-paren where the matching open paren would be.
!        (let (escaped)
!        (and (or (eq (latex-syntax-after) ?\))
!                 ;; Try to handle escaped close parens but keep
!                 ;; original position if it doesn't work out.
!                 (and latex-handle-escaped-parens
!                      (setq escaped (looking-at "\\\\\\([])}]\\)"))))
!             (ignore-errors
!              (save-excursion
!                (when escaped
!                  (goto-char (match-beginning 1)))
!                (latex-skip-close-parens)
!                (latex-backward-sexp-1)
!                (latex-find-indent 'virtual)))))
!        ;; Default (maybe an argument)
!        (let ((pos (point))
!            ;; Outdent \item if necessary.
!            (indent (if (looking-at tex-indent-item-re) (- tex-indent-item) 0))
!            up-list-pos)
!        ;; Find the previous point which determines our current indentation.
!        (condition-case err
!            (progn
!              (while (> (current-column) (current-indentation))
!                (latex-backward-sexp-1)))
!          (scan-error
!           (setq up-list-pos (nth 2 err))))
!        (cond
!         ((= (point-min) pos) 0) ; We're really just indenting the first line.
!         ((integerp up-list-pos)
!          ;; Have to indent relative to the open-paren.
           (goto-char up-list-pos)
!          (if (and (not tex-indent-allhanging)
!                   (save-excursion
!                     ;; Make sure we're an argument to a macro and
!                     ;; that the macro is at the beginning of a line.
!                     (condition-case nil
!                         (progn
!                           (while (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?\()
!                             (forward-sexp -1))
!                           (and (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?/)
!                                (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t&")
!                                       (bolp))))
!                       (scan-error nil)))
!                   (> pos (progn (latex-down-list)
!                                 (forward-comment (point-max))
!                                 (point))))
!              ;; Align with the first element after the open-paren.
!              (current-column)
!            ;; We're the first element after a hanging brace.
!            (goto-char up-list-pos)
!            (+ (if (and (looking-at "\\\\begin *{\\([^\n}]+\\)")
!                        (member (match-string 1)
!                                latex-noindent-environments))
!                   0 tex-indent-basic)
!               indent (latex-find-indent 'virtual))))
!         ;; We're now at the "beginning" of a line.
!         ((not (and (not virtual) (eq (char-after) ?\\)))
!          ;; Nothing particular here: just keep the same indentation.
!          (+ indent (current-column)))
!         ;; We're now looking at a macro call.
!         ((looking-at tex-indent-item-re)
!          ;; Indenting relative to an item, have to re-add the outdenting.
!          (+ indent (current-column) tex-indent-item))
!         (t
!          (let ((col (current-column)))
!            (if (or (not (eq (char-syntax (or (char-after pos) ?\s)) ?\())
!                    ;; Can't be an arg if there's an empty line inbetween.
!                    (save-excursion (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*$" pos t)))
!                ;; If the first char was not an open-paren, there's
!                ;; a risk that this is really not an argument to the
!                ;; macro at all.
!                (+ indent col)
!              (forward-sexp 1)
!              (if (< (line-end-position)
!                     (save-excursion (forward-comment (point-max))
!                                     (point)))
!                  ;; we're indenting the first argument.
!                  (min (current-column) (+ tex-indent-arg col))
!                (skip-syntax-forward " ")
!                (current-column)))))))))))
  ;;; DocTeX support
  (defun doctex-font-lock-^^A ()

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