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bug#708: erratic frame behaviour while selecting fonts

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: bug#708: erratic frame behaviour while selecting fonts
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 23:49:33 +0200 (CEST)

> Also, could you send me the minimal .emacs and .Xresources files that
> reproduce this problem?

As already mentioned, I use `emacs -Q' for testing, so there is no
.emacs file involved.  Similarly (and I've mentioned this too), I
don't have an .Xresources file in my home directory.  I've just tested
to remove my /usr/share/X11/app-defaults/Emacs file, but I get exactly
the same weird behaviour, this is, Emacs suggests a different font as
the default font each time I try to set it, and the frame size is
erratic as before.

Below is my /etc/X11/Xresources file.



! Default mapping for Delete
*Text.Translations:     #override \n\
   ~Shift ~Meta ~Alt <Key>Delete:       delete-next-character() \n

*AxeText.Translations:  #override \n\
   ~Shift ~Meta ~Alt <Key>Delete:       delete-next-character() \n

*XmText.Translations:   #override \n\
   ~Shift ~Meta ~Alt <Key>Delete:       delete-next-character() \n\
   ~Shift ~Meta ~Alt <Key>osfDelete:    delete-next-character() \n\
   ~Shift ~Meta ~Alt <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character() \n

*XmTextField.Translations: #augment \n\
   ~Shift ~Meta ~Alt <Key>osfDelete:    delete-next-character() \n\
   ~Shift ~Meta ~Alt <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character() \n

! Defaults for 3D Athena Widgets library
#ifdef COLOR
*Form.background:                       grey67
*TransientShell*Dialog.background:      grey67
*Command.background:                    grey77
*MenuButton.background:                 grey77
*MenuButton.foreground:                 black
*SimpleMenu*background:                 grey77
*SimpleMenu*foreground:                 black
*ScrollbarBackground:                   grey67
*ScrollbarForeground:                   grey37
*Scrollbar*background:                  grey77
*Scrollbar*foreground:                  grey37
*Scrollbar*pointerColor:                black
*Scrollbar*pointerColorBackground:      white
*beNiceToColormap:                      False
*Form.background:                       black
*Form.foreground:                       white
*TransientShell*Dialog.background:      black
*TransientShell*Dialog.foreground:      white
*Command.background:                    black
*Command.foreground:                    white
*MenuButton.background:                 black
*MenuButton.foreground:                 white
*SimpleMenu*background:                 black
*SimpleMenu*foreground:                 white
*ScrollbarBackground:                   black
*ScrollbarForeground:                   white
*Scrollbar*background:                  black
*Scrollbar*foreground:                  white
*Scrollbar*pointerColor:                black
*Scrollbar*pointerColorBackground:      white
*Scrollbar*width:                       15
*Scrollbar*height:                      15
*Scrollbar*shadowWidth:                 2
*Scrollbar*borderWidth:                 2
*Scrollbar*cursorName:                  top_left_arrow
*Scrollbar*pushThumb:                   false
*Label*shadowWidth:                     2
*Label*borderWidth:                     2
*shapeStyle:                            Rectangle
*shadowWidth:                           2
*SmeBSB*shadowWidth:                    2
*Toggle*highlightThickness:             2
*MenuButton*highlightThickness:         2
*Command*highlightThickness:            2
*Panner*shadowThickness:                2
*SimpleMenu*shadowThickness:            2
*topShadowContrast:                     20
*bottomShadowContrast:                  45
*PushThumb:                             False

! Defaults for Acrobat Reader
AcroRead*XmScrollBar.baseTranslations: #augment \
    Shift<Btn5Down>: PageDownOrRight(0) \n Shift<Btn4Down>: PageUpOrLeft(0) \n\
    Ctrl<Btn5Down>: IncrementDownOrRight(0) IncrementDownOrRight(0) 
IncrementDownOrRight(0) \n\
    Ctrl<Btn4Down>: IncrementUpOrLeft(0) IncrementUpOrLeft(0) 
IncrementUpOrLeft(0) \n\
    <Btn5Down>: IncrementDownOrRight(0) \n <Btn4Down>: IncrementUpOrLeft(0) \n 

*printCommand: lpr

Mwm.interactivePlacement:       false

Scrollbar.JumpCursor:   True

Ghostview.pageMedia:  A4

*XConsole*text.scrollHorizontal:         False
*XConsole*text.wrap: line

! XSysinfo 
XSysinfo*.font:                 fixed
XSysinfo*.title.label:          Linx System Info
XSysinfo*.title.width:          200
XSysinfo*.load.name.label:      CPU Load:
XSysinfo*.idle.name.label:      CPU Idle:
XSysinfo*.mem.name.label:       Memory:
XSysinfo*.swap.name.label:      Swap:
! set foreground colors for load
XSysinfo*load*bar.foreground:   RosyBrown1
XSysinfo*load*bar.foreground1:  IndianRed1
XSysinfo*load*bar.foreground2:  OrangeRed1
XSysinfo*load*bar.foreground3:  firebrick1
XSysinfo*load*bar.foreground4:  pink1
XSysinfo*load*bar.foreground5:  HotPink1
XSysinfo*load*bar.foreground6:  DeepPink2
XSysinfo*load*bar.foreground7:  maroon1
XSysinfo*load*bar.segmentGap:   1

! set idle gauge color
XSysinfo*idle*bar.foreground:   green
XSysinfo*idle*bar.backgroud:   red

! set mem info gauge colors
XSysinfo*mem*bar.foreground:    tomato
XSysinfo*mem*bar.foreground1:   green3
XSysinfo*mem*bar.foreground2:   orchid

! set swap gauge color
XSysinfo*swap*bar.foreground:   hotpink1

! set background
XSysinfo*.background:           gray50
XSysinfo*.BarGauge.background:  white

*basicLocale:   C
*timeFormat:    C
*numeric:       C
*displayLang:   C
*inputLang:     C

#ifdef COLOR
*customization: -color

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