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bug#2652: 23.0.91; wacky behavior of "v" command in *vc-dir* buffer

From: Miles Bader
Subject: bug#2652: 23.0.91; wacky behavior of "v" command in *vc-dir* buffer
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 11:59:31 +0900

Here's a script to create an appropriate git repo for testing:

cd /tmp
rm -rf zonk
mkdir zonk
cd zonk
git init
echo plugh > ppling
git add .
git commit -m'Init' -a
echo Fnord >> ppling

Put that in a file, say "/tmp/mkbugrepo" and execute it with the shell
to make the repo, e.g.: sh /tmp/mkbugrepo

Now you can start emacs like:

   (cd /tmp/zonk; HOME=/tmp \emacs -nw -Q )

and continue with the rest of the bug recipe:

  M-x vc-dir RET RET
  Blargh RET C-c C-c



Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

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