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bug#3173: Enabling gud-tooltip-mode in .emacs doesn't work

From: Richard Driscoll
Subject: bug#3173: Enabling gud-tooltip-mode in .emacs doesn't work
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 15:04:05 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090409)

To: bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org
Subject: Enabling gud-tooltip-mode in .emacs doesn't work
--text follows this line--

Please write in English if possible, because the Emacs maintainers
usually do not have translators to read other languages for them.

Your bug report will be posted to the bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org mailing list, and to the gnu.emacs.bug news group.

Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug
and the precise symptoms of the bug:

(This is pasted from Emacs into thunderbird since I don't have Emacs set up to send mail).

When running gdb under Emacs, M-x gud-tooltip-mode works fine with
tooltips appearing as the mouse is moved over variables.

With the following in the .emacs file:-

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(gud-tooltip-mode t)
 '(inhibit-startup-screen t))

.....Emacs and gdb are then started but nothing happens when the mouse is moved over variables.

Doing M-x gud-tooltip-mode results in a message that tooltips are now
disabled implying that they were previously enabled and also that the
.emacs file was read correctly.

Doing M-x gud-tooltip-mode produces a mesasage that tooltips are
again enabled and this time the tooltips do appear with the mouse over

So it looks as if the .emacs file "half works" in that it enables the
mode but not the tooltips!

(I didn't turn off the startup file since it is part of the bug).

If there's anything else I can do to help please ask.

Richard Driscoll


If Emacs crashed, and you have the Emacs process in the gdb debugger,
please include the output from the following gdb commands:
    `bt full' and `xbacktrace'.
If you would like to further debug the crash, please read the file
/usr/share/emacs/22.2/etc/DEBUG for instructions.

In GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
 of 2008-09-05 on vernadsky, modified by Ubuntu
Windowing system distributor `The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.10600000
configured using `configure '--build=i486-linux-gnu' '--host=i486-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--sharedstatedir=/var/lib' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib' '--localstatedir=/var' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--with-pop=yes' '--enable-locallisppath=/etc/emacs22:/etc/emacs:/usr/local/share/emacs/22.2/site-lisp:/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp:/usr/share/emacs/22.2/site-lisp:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp:/usr/share/emacs/22.2/leim' '--with-x=yes' '--with-x-toolkit=athena' '--with-toolkit-scroll-bars' 'build_alias=i486-linux-gnu' 'host_alias=i486-linux-gnu' 'CFLAGS=-DDEBIAN -DSITELOAD_PURESIZE_EXTRA=5000 -g -O2' 'LDFLAGS=-g -Wl,--as-needed' 'CPPFLAGS=''

Important settings:
  value of $LC_ALL: nil
  value of $LC_COLLATE: C
  value of $LC_CTYPE: nil
  value of $LC_MESSAGES: nil
  value of $LC_MONETARY: nil
  value of $LC_NUMERIC: nil
  value of $LC_TIME: nil
  value of $LANG: en_GB.UTF-8
  locale-coding-system: utf-8
  default-enable-multibyte-characters: t

Major mode: Lisp Interaction

Minor modes in effect:
  which-function-mode: t
  show-paren-mode: t
  tooltip-mode: t
  tool-bar-mode: t
  mouse-wheel-mode: t
  menu-bar-mode: t
  file-name-shadow-mode: t
  global-font-lock-mode: t
  font-lock-mode: t
  blink-cursor-mode: t
  unify-8859-on-encoding-mode: t
  utf-translate-cjk-mode: t
  auto-compression-mode: t
  line-number-mode: t
  transient-mark-mode: t

Recent input:
<help-echo> <help-echo> <help-echo> <help-echo> <help-echo>
<help-echo> <help-echo> <help-echo> <menu-bar> <help-menu>

Recent messages:
Loading /var/cache/dictionaries-common/emacsen-ispell-default.el (source)...done
Loading debian-ispell...done
Loading /var/cache/dictionaries-common/emacsen-ispell-dicts.el (source)...done
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50dictionaries-common.el (source)...done
Loading paren...done
Loading which-func...done
For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
Loading emacsbug...
Loading regexp-opt...done
Loading emacsbug...done

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