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Re: bug#3385: Bug calling patched appt-display-message

From: Davin Pearson
Subject: Re: bug#3385: Bug calling patched appt-display-message
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 16:31:40 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

I have narrowed down my code to the smallest possible file that
reproduces the bug:

(require 'appt)
(require 'calendar)

(setq diary-date-forms (cons '(year "-" month "-" day "[^0-9]") diary-

(defun appt-display-message (string mins)
  "Bug: why no v"
  (message "*** raw-string=%s mins=%s" string mins)
  ;;(message "*** string=%s mins=%s" (d-trim-string string) mins)
  (let (ptr base-path appt-file num min)
      (if (string-match "[a-z]:/[^ \t\r\n]*" string)
            (setq appt-file (substring string (match-beginning 0)
(match-end 0)))
            ;;(message "*** appt-file=%s" appt-file)
            (when (string-match "\\.wa$" appt-file)
              (setq appt-file (concat appt-file "v"))
              (message "*** added v")
            ;;(message "*** appt-file=%s" appt-file)
            (setq base-path "c:/sound-samples/emacs/")
            (if (and appt-file (file-exists-p appt-file))
                (play-sound (list 'sound :file appt-file :volume 1.0))
      ;;(assert (>= mins 0))
      (setq num (format "c:/sound-samples/emacs/numbers/%d.wav" mins))
      (if (file-exists-p num)
          (play-sound (list 'sound :file num :volume 1.0))
        (play-sound (list 'sound :file (concat base-path
"many.wav") :volume 1.0)))
      (if (= 1 mins)
          (setq min "c:/sound-samples/emacs/minute-to-go.wav")
        (setq min "c:/sound-samples/emacs/minutes-to-go.wav"))
      (if (file-exists-p min)
          (play-sound (list 'sound :file min :volume 1.0))

(defun d-appt-activate ()
  (appt-activate 1)
  (setq appt-audible t)
  (setq appt-display-mode-line t)


(provide 'd-appt)

With the following diary file:

 11:29 cally smeggy.wav

(note carrot.wav needs to be on the same line as 21:00)

Here is the result of executing emacs --batch --load d-appt.el

Preparing diary...
Preparing diary...done
*** raw-string=11:29 cally smeggy.wa

Notice the missing "v" at the end of

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