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bug#5255: 23.1.90; Wrong prompt in term

From: Fabian Ezequiel Gallina
Subject: bug#5255: 23.1.90; Wrong prompt in term
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:52:14 -0300

2009/12/22 Dan Nicolaescu <dann@ics.uci.edu>:
> Fabian Ezequiel Gallina <galli.87@gmail.com> writes:
>  > In emacs 23.1 when I use M-x term the prompt is rendered correctly to
>  > whatever is defined on the PS1 environment variable. But in it
>  > prompts whatever is defined in the PS1 but also before that, it prompts
>  > 0;<user>@<host>:<location>.
>  >
>  > The steps to reproduce it are quite simple:
>  >
>  > emacs -Q
>  > M-x term
>  >
>  > The prompt is rendered like this:
>  >
>  > 0;fgallina@cuca:~/Builds/emacs[fgallina@cuca emacs]$
>  >
>  > Since my PS1 is set to
>  >
>  > PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
>  >
>  > the expected result is:
>  >
>  > [fgallina@cuca emacs]$
> I can't reproduce this.
> Are you sure that your prompt is set to what you show there?  Maybe the
> system default sets it to something else?

I guess I found the problem:

[fgallina@cuca lisp]$ env | grep PROMPT_COMMAND
PROMPT_COMMAND=echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"

Now the thing is that executing this in a normal terminal renders
nothing, as opposed to term. My guess would be that term is missing
the \033] escape sequence.

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