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bug#5475: Archives with filenames with square brackets

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: bug#5475: Archives with filenames with square brackets
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 2010 23:55:35 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.92 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

> AFAIK 7zip is Free Software, but adding 7z support would be a new
> feature, so we would probably be better off insalling it into the
> `pending' branch.

Below is minimal support for the 7z format for the `pending' branch.

Fortunately, 7z provides so-called "technical" mode for the list
command (-slt) that outputs file information in a simple fixed format,
so we could rely on it.  In `archive-7z-extract' stderr is thrown away
because 7z doesn't have a switch to make it silent.

=== modified file 'lisp/arc-mode.el'
--- lisp/arc-mode.el    2010-01-28 20:06:36 +0000
+++ lisp/arc-mode.el    2010-02-01 21:48:09 +0000
@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@
 ;; ARCHIVE TYPES: Currently only the archives below are handled, but the
 ;; structure for handling just about anything is in place.
-;;                     Arc     Lzh     Zip     Zoo      Rar
-;;                     ----------------------------------------
-;; View listing                Intern  Intern  Intern  Intern   Y
-;; Extract member      Y       Y       Y       Y        Y
-;; Save changed member Y       Y       Y       Y        N
-;; Add new member      N       N       N       N        N
-;; Delete member       Y       Y       Y       Y        N
-;; Rename member       Y       Y       N       N        N
-;; Chmod               -       Y       Y       -        N
-;; Chown               -       Y       -       -        N
-;; Chgrp               -       Y       -       -        N
+;;                     Arc     Lzh     Zip     Zoo     Rar     7z
+;;                     --------------------------------------------
+;; View listing                Intern  Intern  Intern  Intern  Y       Y
+;; Extract member      Y       Y       Y       Y       Y       Y
+;; Save changed member Y       Y       Y       Y       N       N
+;; Add new member      N       N       N       N       N       N
+;; Delete member       Y       Y       Y       Y       N       N
+;; Rename member       Y       Y       N       N       N       N
+;; Chmod               -       Y       Y       -       N       N
+;; Chown               -       Y       -       -       N       N
+;; Chgrp               -       Y       -       -       N       N
 ;; Special thanks to Bill Brodie <wbrodie@panix.com> for very useful tips
 ;; on the first released version of this package.
@@ -315,6 +315,20 @@ (defcustom archive-zoo-write-file-member
                        :inline t
                        (string :format "%v")))
   :group 'archive-zoo)
+;; ------------------------------
+;; 7z archive configuration
+(defcustom archive-7z-extract
+  '("7z" "x" "-so")
+  "Program and its options to run in order to extract a 7z file member.
+Extraction should happen to standard output.  Archive and member name will
+be added."
+  :type '(list (string :tag "Program")
+               (repeat :tag "Options"
+                       :inline t
+                       (string :format "%v")))
+  :group 'archive-7z)
 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; Section: Variables
@@ -732,6 +746,7 @@ (defun archive-find-type ()
           ((and (looking-at "MZ")
                 (re-search-forward "Rar!" (+ (point) 100000) t))
+         ((looking-at "7z\274\257\047\034") '7z)
          (t (error "Buffer format not recognized")))))
 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1084,6 +1099,14 @@ (defun archive-extract-by-stdout (archiv
         (append (cdr command) (list archive name))))
+(defun archive-extract-by-stdout-without-stderr (archive name command)
+  (apply 'call-process
+        (car command)
+        nil
+        '(t nil)
+        nil
+        (append (cdr command) (list archive name))))
 (defun archive-extract-other-window ()
   "In archive mode, find this member in another window."
@@ -1995,7 +2023,57 @@ (defun archive-rar-exe-extract (archive 
       (if tmpbuf (kill-buffer tmpbuf))
       (delete-file tmpfile))))
+;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Section: 7z Archives
+(defun archive-7z-summarize ()
+  (let ((maxname 10)
+       (maxsize 5)
+       (file buffer-file-name)
+       (files ()))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (call-process "7z" nil t nil "l" "-slt" file)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (re-search-forward "^-+\n")
+      (while (re-search-forward "^Path = \\(.*\\)\n" nil t)
+        (goto-char (match-end 0))
+        (let ((name (match-string 1))
+              (size (save-excursion
+                     (and (re-search-forward "^Size = \\(.*\\)\n")
+                          (match-string 1))))
+             (time (save-excursion
+                     (and (re-search-forward "^Modified = \\(.*\\)\n")
+                          (match-string 1)))))
+          (if (> (length name) maxname) (setq maxname (length name)))
+          (if (> (length size) maxsize) (setq maxsize (length size)))
+          (push (vector name name nil nil time nil nil size)
+                files))))
+    (setq files (nreverse files))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (let* ((format (format " %%%ds %%s %%s" maxsize))
+           (sep (format format (make-string maxsize ?-) "-------------------" 
+           (column (length sep)))
+      (insert (format format "Size " "Date       Time    " " Filename") "\n")
+      (insert sep (make-string maxname ?-) "\n")
+      (archive-summarize-files (mapcar (lambda (desc)
+                                         (let ((text
+                                                (format format
+                                                       (aref desc 7)
+                                                       (aref desc 4)
+                                                       (aref desc 1))))
+                                           (vector text
+                                                   column
+                                                   (length text))))
+                                       files))
+      (insert sep (make-string maxname ?-) "\n")
+      (apply 'vector files))))
+(defun archive-7z-extract (archive name)
+  ;; Throw away stderr because 7z doesn't have a switch to make it silent.
+  (archive-extract-by-stdout-without-stderr
+   archive name archive-7z-extract))
+;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; Section `ar' archives.
 ;; TODO: we currently only handle the basic format of ar archives,

=== modified file 'lisp/files.el'
--- lisp/files.el       2010-01-27 03:36:36 +0000
+++ lisp/files.el       2010-02-01 21:45:39 +0000
@@ -2252,8 +2252,8 @@ (defvar auto-mode-alist
      ;; The list of archive file extensions should be in sync with
      ;; `auto-coding-alist' with `no-conversion' coding system.
-ARC\\|ZIP\\|LZH\\|LHA\\|ZOO\\|[JEW]AR\\|XPI\\|RAR\\)\\'" . archive-mode)
+ARC\\|ZIP\\|LZH\\|LHA\\|ZOO\\|[JEW]AR\\|XPI\\|RAR\\|7Z\\)\\'" . archive-mode)
      ("\\.\\(sx[dmicw]\\|od[fgpst]\\|oxt\\)\\'" . archive-mode) ;OpenOffice.org
      ("\\.\\(deb\\|[oi]pk\\)\\'" . archive-mode) ; Debian/Opkg packages.
      ;; Mailer puts message to be edited in

=== modified file 'lisp/international/mule.el'
--- lisp/international/mule.el  2010-01-13 08:35:10 +0000
+++ lisp/international/mule.el  2010-02-01 21:43:42 +0000
@@ -1626,8 +1626,8 @@ (defcustom auto-coding-alist
   ;; .exe and .EXE are added to support archive-mode looking at DOS
   ;; self-extracting exe archives.
   (purecopy '(("\\.\\(\
      . no-conversion-multibyte)
     ("\\.\\(exe\\|EXE\\)\\'" . no-conversion)
     ("\\.\\(sx[dmicw]\\|odt\\|tar\\|tgz\\)\\'" . no-conversion)

Juri Linkov

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