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bug#5908: tooltip-show breaks with multiline tip on Emacs for Windows v2

From: D Chiesa
Subject: bug#5908: tooltip-show breaks with multiline tip on Emacs for Windows v22.2.1
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 10:18:27 -0400

This is a known and a nasty problem, present in Emacs 23 as well.  The
ugly part is that the behavior depends on the size of the font used
for the tooltips.  If you play with that font's definition, you will
eventually find a size where the clipping doesn't happen.  (The value
depends on the size and resolution of your monitor.)

Someone who knows much more about GUI display than I do should look
into this, because I can spot nothing wrong in the code.

Thanks   I'll look into adjusting the font myself.
As another workaround, individuals can use advice on tooltip-show. If you append a newline onto the text, it tends to display without clipping, although you get the opposite problem - too much dead space.

   (defun cheeso-reform-string (limit arg)
     (let ((orig arg) (modified "") (curline "") word
           (words (split-string arg " ")))
       (while words
           (setq curline "")
           (while (and words (< (length curline) limit))
               (setq word (car words))
               (setq words (cdr words))
               (setq curline (concat curline " " word))))
           (setq modified (concat modified curline "\n"))))
       (setq modified (concat modified " \n")))

   (defadvice tooltip-show (before
                            (arg &optional use-echo-area)
                            activate compile)
       (if (and (not use-echo-area)
                (eq major-mode 'csharp-mode))
           (let ((orig (ad-get-arg 0)))
             (ad-set-arg 0 (cheeso-reform-string 72 orig))

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