DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 2D4 hProcess = 2D0 hThread = 310 lpBaseOfImage = 1000000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = A4A000 nDebugInfoSize = 3418 lpThreadLocalBase = 7EFDD000 lpStartAddress = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 197C hThread = 2CC lpThreadLocalBase = 7EFD7000 lpStartAddress = 7D4D1504 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = AA8 hThread = 2B0 lpThreadLocalBase = 7EFAF000 lpStartAddress = 7D4D1504 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1534 hThread = 2A8 lpThreadLocalBase = 7EFAC000 lpStartAddress = 7D4D1504 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 11E4 hThread = 2A4 lpThreadLocalBase = 7EFA9000 lpStartAddress = 7D4D1504 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 290 lpBaseOfDll = 7D600000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 28C lpBaseOfDll = 7D4C0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 288 lpBaseOfDll = 7D1E0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 284 lpBaseOfDll = 7DA20000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 280 lpBaseOfDll = 7D8D0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 27C lpBaseOfDll = 7DBD0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 278 lpBaseOfDll = 77BA0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 274 lpBaseOfDll = 7D800000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 270 lpBaseOfDll = 7D930000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 26C lpBaseOfDll = 7D180000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 268 lpBaseOfDll = 762B0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 264 lpBaseOfDll = 7C8D0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 25C lpBaseOfDll = 71BD0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 258 lpBaseOfDll = 77670000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 254 lpBaseOfDll = 75490000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 250 lpBaseOfDll = 76AA0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 24C lpBaseOfDll = 73070000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 248 lpBaseOfDll = 7DEE0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 244 lpBaseOfDll = 6AF70000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 240 lpBaseOfDll = 75E60000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 23C lpBaseOfDll = 6B050000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 238 lpBaseOfDll = 6B140000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 234 lpBaseOfDll = 71C00000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 230 lpBaseOfDll = 71BF0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 22C lpBaseOfDll = 7DB30000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 228 lpBaseOfDll = 76ED0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 224 lpBaseOfDll = 76F70000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 220 lpBaseOfDll = 76F10000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 21C lpBaseOfDll = 76F80000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 218 lpBaseOfDll = 6B200000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 214 lpBaseOfDll = 71AE0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 210 lpBaseOfDll = 7DF50000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 20C lpBaseOfDll = 71C40000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 208 lpBaseOfDll = 777B0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 204 lpBaseOfDll = 7D0E0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 200 lpBaseOfDll = 77010000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 1FC lpBaseOfDll = 77B90000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 1F8 lpBaseOfDll = 6CDD0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 1F4 lpBaseOfDll = 2E50000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 1F0 lpBaseOfDll = 32B0000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC hFile = 1EC lpBaseOfDll = 76920000 dwDebugInfoFileOffset = 0 nDebugInfoSize = 0 lpImageName = NULL fUnicoded = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 20C8 hThread = 1E8 lpThreadLocalBase = 7EFDA000 lpStartAddress = 7D6671A4 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 20C8 ExceptionCode = 80000003 ExceptionFlags = 0 ExceptionAddress = 7D61002D dwFirstChance = 1 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC ExceptionCode = 80000003 ExceptionFlags = 0 ExceptionAddress = 7D61002D dwFirstChance = 0 emacs.exe caused a Breakpoint at location 7d61002d in module ntdll.dll. Registers: eax=00000006 ebx=00000087 ecx=7d61f60d edx=52960003 esi=03960732 edi=0082e660 eip=7d61002d esp=0082e62c ebp=0082e648 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246 Call stack: AddrPC AddrReturn AddrFrame AddrStack Params 7D61002D 0109F3DC 0082E648 0082E62C 00000035 013E281A 03E6340E 0128D2DE 7D61002D ntdll.dll:7D61002D C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll: No symbols DbgBreakPoint 0109F3DC 0101147D 0082E708 0082E62C 03917581 017BDCC5 0000000C 013E281A 0109F3DC emacs.exe:0109F3DCC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101147D 0101192F 0082E758 0082E62C 0082E7EC 00000000 0082E560 00000001 0101147D emacs.exe:0101147DC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101192F 01011FEF 0082E7C8 0082E62C 00000002 0082E7E8 043D7F01 039175E1 0101192F emacs.exe:0101192FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01011FEF 01031A09 0082E808 0082E62C 017BDC45 03E39A26 043D7F81 039175E1 01011FEF emacs.exe:01011FEFC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01031A09 01031DB0 0082E888 0082E62C 017BDC45 0462E48E 011CBE8D 01353CE0 01031A09 emacs.exe:01031A09C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01031DB0 01011B4A 0082E8A8 0082E62C 017BDC45 0462E48E 039175E1 03960501 01031DB0 emacs.exe:01031DB0C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01011B4A 0109F26C 0082E918 0082E62C 00000003 0082E930 013E281A 00000000 01011B4A emacs.exe:01011B4AC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109F26C 0101147D 0082E9E8 0082E62C 03917071 03955D05 00000018 013E281A 0109F26C emacs.exe:0109F26CC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101147D 0101192F 0082EA38 0082E62C 0082EAC4 04148E78 FF100FB1 00000001 0101147D emacs.exe:0101147DC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101192F 0109F26C 0082EAA8 0082E62C 00000002 0082EAC0 013E281A 00000000 0101192F emacs.exe:0101192FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109F26C 0101147D 0082EB78 0082E62C 0390C601 03955E05 0000001C 013E281A 0109F26C emacs.exe:0109F26CC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101147D 0101192F 0082EBC8 0082E62C 0082EC54 0082EBEC 7D815059 D3012810 0101147D emacs.exe:0101147DC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101192F 0109F26C 0082EC38 0082E62C 00000004 0082EC50 004B0046 0051004C 0101192F emacs.exe:0101192FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109F26C 0109FE04 0082ECF8 0082E62C 03910B91 0166BAC5 00000010 013E281A 0109F26C emacs.exe:0109F26CC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109FE04 01010F03 0082ED18 0082E62C 03910B91 0166BAC5 00000010 00000410 0109FE04 emacs.exe:0109FE04C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01010F03 0100ED84 0082EDE8 0082E62C 0394471E 00000410 0082EE38 0113BB5E 01010F03 emacs.exe:01010F03C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0100ED84 0109F0C1 0082EE78 0082E62C 03954E12 01010996 0394471E 000000AC 0100ED84 emacs.exe:0100ED84C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109F0C1 0109FE04 0082EF38 0082E62C 03910C01 01609DA5 00000008 013E281A 0109F0C1 emacs.exe:0109F0C1C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109FE04 01010F03 0082EF58 0082E62C 03910C01 01609DA5 00000008 03C135C8 0109FE04 emacs.exe:0109FE04C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01010F03 01012F55 0082F028 0082E62C 0394401E 00000005 00000005 01A29C00 01010F03 emacs.exe:01010F03C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01012F55 0109F07F 0082F0D8 0082E62C 013E281A 0394401E 03944736 00000010 01012F55 emacs.exe:01012F55C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109F07F 0109FE04 0082F198 0082E62C 03910C81 01609D85 0000000C 013E281A 0109F07F emacs.exe:0109F07FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109FE04 01010F03 0082F1B8 0082E62C 03910C81 01609D85 0000000C 0397B811 0109FE04 emacs.exe:0109FE04C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01010F03 01012F55 0082F288 0082E62C 0394403E 0082F354 0104B9BD 0397B811 01010F03 emacs.exe:01010F03C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01012F55 0109F07F 0082F338 0082E62C 013E281A 0394403E 0394412E 0101E461 01012F55 emacs.exe:01012F55C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109F07F 0101147D 0082F3F8 0082E62C 03910E61 0166CD85 00000010 013E281A 0109F07F emacs.exe:0109F07FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101147D 0101192F 0082F448 0082E62C 0082F4E0 013E2832 0082F4D0 03919A71 0101147D emacs.exe:0101147DC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101192F 0109F26C 0082F4B8 0082E62C 00000004 0082F4DC 013E281A 00000000 0101192F emacs.exe:0101192FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109F26C 0101147D 0082F5C8 0082E62C 038A9021 03954005 00000058 013E281A 0109F26C emacs.exe:0109F26CC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101147D 0101192F 0082F618 0082E62C 0082F6A4 0082F630 77BDA1B2 00000000 0101147D emacs.exe:0101147DC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101192F 0109F26C 0082F688 0082E62C 00000007 0082F6A0 013E281A 00000000 0101192F emacs.exe:0101192FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109F26C 0101147D 0082F758 0082E62C 0168C1D1 038F5405 00000020 013E281A 0109F26C emacs.exe:0109F26CC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101147D 0101192F 0082F7A8 0082E62C 0082F834 03F4CD85 FFFFFFFF 0109E2AA 0101147D emacs.exe:0101147DC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101192F 0109F26C 0082F818 0082E62C 00000002 0082F830 012CBC90 0128A735 0101192F emacs.exe:0101192FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109F26C 0101147D 0082F8D8 0082E62C 03958211 019AA805 00000008 013E281A 0109F26C emacs.exe:0109F26CC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101147D 0101192F 0082F928 0082E62C 0082F9E4 013E281A 013E281A 013E281A 0101147D emacs.exe:0101147DC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101192F 010123FD 0082F998 0082E62C 00000001 0082F9E0 013E281A 00000003 0101192F emacs.exe:0101192FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 010123FD 0109CA6E 0082F9D8 0082E62C 014D5432 013E281A 00000008 013E281A 010123FD emacs.exe:010123FDC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0109CA6E 01011B33 0082FB38 0082E62C 014D5432 013E281A 013E7B05 013F2D0A 0109CA6E emacs.exe:0109CA6EC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01011B33 01011D5D 0082FBA8 0082E62C 00000004 0082FBC0 013ED362 0101D15A 01011B33 emacs.exe:01011B33C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01011D5D 01022CB9 0082FBE8 0082E62C 0140FD52 014D5432 013E281A 013E281A 01011D5D emacs.exe:01011D5DC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01022CB9 01029B93 0082FC38 0082E62C 014D5432 013E281A 013E281A 013E281A 01022CB9 emacs.exe:01022CB9C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01029B93 0100EE4F 0082FD28 0082E62C 0082FD70 0082FDF4 00000002 0082FDF0 01029B93 emacs.exe:01029B93C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0100EE4F 0101CF4B 0082FDD8 0082E62C 01029871 013F099A 010235FA 7D504A5B 0100EE4F emacs.exe:0100EE4FC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101CF4B 0100ED84 0082FDF8 0082E62C 013E281A 00740053 006E0061 00610064 0101CF4B emacs.exe:0101CF4BC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0100ED84 0101CDFE 0082FE88 0082E62C 013F01E2 0101CF28 013E281A 77BF2050 0100ED84 emacs.exe:0100ED84C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101CDFE 0101CF12 0082FEA8 0082E62C 0101CAC1 013E281A 77BF3A90 0082FF58 0101CDFE emacs.exe:0101CDFEC:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 0101CF12 01002EB0 0082FEC8 0082E62C 0135BDD6 00000000 00000001 00000000 0101CF12 emacs.exe:0101CF12C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01002EB0 010010B6 0082FF58 0082E62C 00000001 00B04110 00B030F8 01377004 01002EB0 emacs.exe:01002EB0C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 010010B6 01001148 0082FFA0 0082E62C 00000001 00000001 00000000 7D4E7D3F 010010B6 emacs.exe:010010B6C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 01001148 7D4E7D42 0082FFC0 0082E62C 00000000 00000000 7EFDE000 80000003 01001148 emacs.exe:01001148C:\Documents and Settings\josejones\My Documents\Downloads\Emacs24\Emacs\bin\emacs.exe: No symbol found 7D4E7D42 00000000 0082FFF0 0082E62C 010B7EE0 00000000 00000000 00000000 7D4E7D42 kernel32.dll:7D4E7D42 C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll: No symbols BaseProcessInitPostImport DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 20C8 dwExitCode = 0 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 197C dwExitCode = 80 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1EEC dwExitCode = 80 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 1534 dwExitCode = 80 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = AA8 dwExitCode = 80 DEBUG_EVENT: dwDebugEventCode = EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT dwProcessId = 13F8 dwThreadId = 11E4 dwExitCode = 80