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bug#12380: other window related commands broken

From: Doug Morgan
Subject: bug#12380: other window related commands broken
Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2012 18:34:40 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120713 Thunderbird/14.0

First, here is what the debugger says when I try to "Send Bug Report:..."
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
byte-code("\300\301\302\303\304!!\"\305BC\207" [format "hides \\(%s.*\\)" file-name-directory locate-library "simple.el" (1 font-lock-warning-face)] 5) (defvar load-path-shadows-font-lock-keywords (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304!!\"\305BC\207" [format "hides \\(%s.*\\)" file-name-directory locate-library "simple.el" (1 font-lock-warning-face)] 5) ("/usr/share/emacs/24.2/lisp/emacs-lisp/shadow.elc" . 3268))
report-emacs-bug("other window splitting again" [24 50 24 2 (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "mouse-1, mouse-2: sort by size" #<window 8 on *Buffer List*> #(" CRM Buffer Size Mode File\n" 0 1 (display (space :align-to 0)) 1 4 (face fixed-pitch) 4 5 (display (space :align-to 4)) 5 11 (keymap (keymap (13 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-2 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (mouse-1 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column))) mouse-face highlight help-echo "mouse-1, mouse-2: sort by buffer" column 2) 11 27 (display (space :align-to 26)) 27 31 (column 3 help-echo "mouse-1, mouse-2: sort by size" mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap (13 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-2 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (mouse-1 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column)))) 31 33 (display (space :align-to 32)) 33 37 (keymap (keymap (13 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-2 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (mouse-1 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column))) mouse-face highlight help-echo "mouse-1, mouse-2: sort by mode" column 4) 37 51 (display (space :align-to 50)) 51 55 (keymap (keymap (13 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-2 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (header-line keymap (mouse-2 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column) (mouse-1 . Buffer-menu-sort-by-column))) mouse-face highlight help-echo "mouse-1, mouse-2: sort by file" column 5) 55 56 (display (space :align-to 55))) 28) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Major mode\nmouse-1: Display major mode menu\nmouse-2: Show help for major mode\nmouse-3: Toggle minor modes" #<window 8 on *Buffer List*> #("Buffer Menu" 0 11 (local-map (keymap (mode-line keymap (down-mouse-3 keymap (abbrev-mode menu-item "Abbrev (Abbrev)" abbrev-mode :help "Automatically expand abbreviations" :button ...) (auto-fill-mode menu-item "Auto fill (Fill)" auto-fill-mode :help "Automatically insert new lines" :button ...) (auto-revert-mode menu-item "Auto revert (ARev)" auto-revert-mode :help "Revert the buffer when the file on disk changes" :button ...) (auto-revert-tail-mode menu-item "Auto revert tail (Tail)" auto-revert-tail-mode :help "Revert the tail of the buffer when buffer grows" :enable ... :button ...) (flyspell-mode menu-item "Flyspell (Fly)" flyspell-mode :help "Spell checking on the fly" :button ...) (font-lock-mode menu-item "Font Lock" font-lock-mode :help "Syntax coloring" :button ...) (glasses-mode menu-item "Glasses (o^o)" glasses-mode :help "Insert virtual separators to make long identifiers easy to read" :button ...) (hide-ifdef-mode menu-item "Hide ifdef (Ifdef)" hide-ifdef-mode :help "Show/Hide code within #ifdef constructs" :button ...) (highlight-changes-mode menu-item "Highlight changes (Chg)" highlight-changes-mode :help "Show changes in the buffer in a distinctive color" :button ...) (outline-minor-mode menu-item "Outline (Outl)" outline-minor-mode :help "" :button ...) (overwrite-mode menu-item "Overwrite (Ovwrt)" overwrite-mode :help "Overwrite mode: typed characters replace existing text" :button ...) "Minor Modes") (mouse-2 . describe-mode) (down-mouse-1 menu-item "Menu Bar" ignore :filter (lambda ... ...)))) mouse-face mode-line-highlight help-echo "Major mode\nmouse-1: Display major mode menu\nmouse-2: Show help for major mode\nmouse-3: Toggle minor modes")) 9) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "mouse-1: Select (drag to resize)\nmouse-2: Make current window occupy the whole frame\nmouse-3: Remove current window from display" #<window 8 on *Buffer List*> #(" " 0 3 (help-echo "mouse-1: Select (drag to resize)\nmouse-2: Make current window occupy the whole frame\nmouse-3: Remove current window from display")) 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Buffer name\nmouse-1: previous buffer\nmouse-3: next buffer" #<window 8 on *Buffer List*> #("%12b" 0 4 (local-map (keymap (header-line keymap (mouse-3 . mode-line-next-buffer) (down-mouse-3 . ignore) (mouse-1 . mode-line-previous-buffer) (down-mouse-1 . ignore)) (mode-line keymap (mouse-3 . mode-line-next-buffer) (mouse-1 . mode-line-previous-buffer))) mouse-face mode-line-highlight help-echo "Buffer name\nmouse-1: previous buffer\nmouse-3: next buffer" face mode-line-buffer-id)) 1) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Read a directory, to operate on its files" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Make text in active region stand out in color (Transient Mark mode)" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Highlight matching/mismatched parentheses at cursor (Show Paren mode)" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Automatically fill text while typing (Auto Fill mode)" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Ignore letter-case in search commands" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Use C-z/C-x/C-c/C-v keys for undo/cut/copy/paste" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Uniquify buffer names by adding parent directory names" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Visit files of previous session when restarting Emacs" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Uniquify buffer names by adding parent directory names" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Use C-z/C-x/C-c/C-v keys for undo/cut/copy/paste" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Ignore letter-case in search commands" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Use C-z/C-x/C-c/C-v keys for undo/cut/copy/paste" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Uniquify buffer names by adding parent directory names" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Visit files of previous session when restarting Emacs" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Whether the cursor blinks (Blink Cursor mode)" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Enter Lisp debugger when an error is signaled" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Enter Lisp debugger when C-g is pressed" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Enter Lisp debugger when an error is signaled" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Whether the cursor blinks (Blink Cursor mode)" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Visit files of previous session when restarting Emacs" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Whether the cursor blinks (Blink Cursor mode)" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Enter Lisp debugger when an error is signaled" nil nil 0) (menu-bar) options debug-on-error (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Cut (kill) text in region between mark and current position" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Learn how to use Emacs" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Learn how to use Emacs (choose a language)" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Frequently asked (and answered) questions about Emacs" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "New features of this version" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Read about known problems with Emacs" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Send e-mail to Emacs maintainers" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Our doctor will help you feel better" nil nil 0) (help-echo #<frame emacs@Doug-PC 0x20068800> "Send e-mail to Emacs maintainers" nil nil 0) (menu-bar) help-menu send-emacs-bug-report])
  call-interactively(report-emacs-bug nil nil)

It's in a window named *Backtrace* so I hope that is the backtrace you want.

I almost thought I was going crazy, I could not reproduce the problem. Then I found the missing trick is to widen the entire emacs window. Then I read your email more carefully and checked that split_window_threshold was 160 and that it was changed/introduced in 23.1 (which is about when I first started noticing the problem but figured I'd wait for an new version before reporting it - long suffering is my middle name). I did exactly flip my usage of vertical and horizontal splitting from the emacs usage of the term. I should have said "One of the windows **splits horizontally**(!!) ". In any case the bad split is into two side-by-side windows. The to-my-taste poor splitting happens when (window-total-width) >= 164.

The problem is fixed by setting split-width-threshold to 500. Thank you! I did try setting it to nil as the variable's documentation suggests and the customization dialog told me the value of the variable needed to be an integer. Don't know if it accepted nil anyway or rejected it or what, but 500 sure works. Thanks again.

I do think split-width-threshold should default to never splitting horizontally (I've got the right word this time), but that's just decades of never have wide windows automatically split horizontally talking. Maybe it will seem perfectly natural to someone not shocked to see it.

On second thought, I wouldn't so much mind emacs splitting a window horizontally when I just have one window visible at the time. That might actually be nice. However, when I already have my screen split in two, but vertically, I think it's a bad idea without redeeming qualities to split one of the windows horizontally instead of just jumping to the "other" already open window.

So, I'm changing my bug report to say that emacs should never automatically introduce any new split for M-x M-b (and similar commands) when it already has two or more open windows (regardless of how they are arranged). The problem is just a bit deeper than simply changing the value of split-width-threshold.


On 9/8/2012 1:18 AM, martin rudalics wrote:
> I had only tested it with "emacs -q" (forgot about the Q version).
> However, retesting with "emacs -Q" gives the same behavior.


> Also, the
> menu only has "Send Bug Report..." which doesn't work for me "Wrong type
> argument: string, nil" after I enter a subject title (never having set
> up emacs to handle mail).

This should not happen.  Can you get us a backtrace by checking the
"Enter Debugger on Error" entry in the Options menu before trying the
"Send Bug Report...".  (My apologies if this has been reported before
and already fixed.)

> Inside the unsent email buffer was this interesting looking text (and it
> looked like it would go to bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org so I'm cc'ing that:

Tha's what we need ;-)

> In GNU Emacs 24.2.1 (i686-pc-cygwin, GTK+ Version 2.24.11)
>  of 2012-08-27 on fiona

I suppose the following

> Major mode: Dired by name

is not part of the recipe?  Anyway, back to your first report. Does

>> One of the windows **splits vertically**(!!)

mean that the new window appears on the right of another window or below
it?  Also please tell us which window was split - the upper one or the
lower one.  If the new window appears below, then in the window that
gets split please do (before the split):

M-: (window-total-height) RET


C-h v split-height-threshold

If the new window appears on the right, please do

M-: (window-total-width) RET


C-h v split-width-threshold

instead.  In either case, tell us what gets printed by these.

Thanks, martin

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