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bug#12876: 24.3.50; DocView problem with cached files

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: bug#12876: 24.3.50; DocView problem with cached files
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 21:28:44 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Stephen & Stefan,

the following patch fixes the issue for me, but I'm not sure if it's the
right thing to do.  Stefan, could you please check?

Basically, the difference between finding a not yet converted doc and a
doc that's already cached is that in the former case
`doc-view-goto-page' runs with the selected window displaying the doc's
buffer.  AFAIKS, that's a must for the image-mode winprops stuff to
work, so in the latter case, the patch defers running
`doc-view-goto-page' a bit into the future when the window showing the
doc buffer is hopefully there.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
=== modified file 'lisp/doc-view.el'
--- lisp/doc-view.el    2012-09-28 10:05:46 +0000
+++ lisp/doc-view.el    2012-11-13 20:25:53 +0000
@@ -419,57 +419,63 @@
 (defun doc-view-goto-page (page)
   "View the page given by PAGE."
   (interactive "nPage: ")
-  (let ((len (doc-view-last-page-number))
-       (hscroll (window-hscroll)))
-    (if (< page 1)
-       (setq page 1)
-      (when (and (> page len)
-                 ;; As long as the converter is running, we don't know
-                 ;; how many pages will be available.
-                 (null doc-view-current-converter-processes))
-       (setq page len)))
-    (setf (doc-view-current-page) page
-         (doc-view-current-info)
-         (concat
-          (propertize
-           (format "Page %d of %d." page len) 'face 'bold)
-          ;; Tell user if converting isn't finished yet
-          (if doc-view-current-converter-processes
-              " (still converting...)\n"
-            "\n")
-          ;; Display context infos if this page matches the last search
-          (when (and doc-view-current-search-matches
-                     (assq page doc-view-current-search-matches))
-            (concat (propertize "Search matches:\n" 'face 'bold)
-                    (let ((contexts ""))
-                      (dolist (m (cdr (assq page
-                                            doc-view-current-search-matches)))
-                        (setq contexts (concat contexts "  - \"" m "\"\n")))
-                      contexts)))))
-    ;; Update the buffer
-    ;; We used to find the file name from doc-view-current-files but
-    ;; that's not right if the pages are not generated sequentially
-    ;; or if the page isn't in doc-view-current-files yet.
-    (let ((file (expand-file-name (format "page-%d.png" page)
-                                  (doc-view-current-cache-dir))))
-      (doc-view-insert-image file :pointer 'arrow)
-      (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) hscroll)
-      (when (and (not (file-exists-p file))
-                 doc-view-current-converter-processes)
-        ;; The PNG file hasn't been generated yet.
-        (doc-view-pdf->png-1 doc-view-buffer-file-name file page
-                             (let ((win (selected-window)))
-                               (lambda ()
-                                 (and (eq (current-buffer) (window-buffer win))
-                                      ;; If we changed page in the mean
-                                      ;; time, don't mess things up.
-                                      (eq (doc-view-current-page win) page)
-                                      ;; Make sure we don't infloop.
-                                      (file-readable-p file)
-                                      (with-selected-window win
-                                                           (doc-view-goto-page 
-    (overlay-put (doc-view-current-overlay)
-                 'help-echo (doc-view-current-info))))
+  (if (null (get-buffer-window))
+      ;; The document buffer isn't displayed in any window yet.  This
+      ;; happens when using cached PNG files.  The buffer will be
+      ;; displayed after `doc-view-mode' has returned, so try again a
+      ;; bit later.
+      (run-with-timer 0.1 nil #'doc-view-goto-page page)
+    (let ((len (doc-view-last-page-number))
+         (hscroll (window-hscroll)))
+      (if (< page 1)
+         (setq page 1)
+       (when (and (> page len)
+                  ;; As long as the converter is running, we don't know
+                  ;; how many pages will be available.
+                  (null doc-view-current-converter-processes))
+         (setq page len)))
+      (setf (doc-view-current-page) page
+           (doc-view-current-info)
+           (concat
+            (propertize
+             (format "Page %d of %d." page len) 'face 'bold)
+            ;; Tell user if converting isn't finished yet
+            (if doc-view-current-converter-processes
+                " (still converting...)\n"
+              "\n")
+            ;; Display context infos if this page matches the last search
+            (when (and doc-view-current-search-matches
+                       (assq page doc-view-current-search-matches))
+              (concat (propertize "Search matches:\n" 'face 'bold)
+                      (let ((contexts ""))
+                        (dolist (m (cdr (assq page
+                          (setq contexts (concat contexts "  - \"" m "\"\n")))
+                        contexts)))))
+      ;; Update the buffer
+      ;; We used to find the file name from doc-view-current-files but
+      ;; that's not right if the pages are not generated sequentially
+      ;; or if the page isn't in doc-view-current-files yet.
+      (let ((file (expand-file-name (format "page-%d.png" page)
+                                   (doc-view-current-cache-dir))))
+       (doc-view-insert-image file :pointer 'arrow)
+       (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) hscroll)
+       (when (and (not (file-exists-p file))
+                  doc-view-current-converter-processes)
+         ;; The PNG file hasn't been generated yet.
+         (doc-view-pdf->png-1 doc-view-buffer-file-name file page
+                              (let ((win (selected-window)))
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (and (eq (current-buffer) (window-buffer 
+                                       ;; If we changed page in the mean
+                                       ;; time, don't mess things up.
+                                       (eq (doc-view-current-page win) page)
+                                       ;; Make sure we don't infloop.
+                                       (file-readable-p file)
+                                       (with-selected-window win
+                                         (doc-view-goto-page page))))))))
+      (overlay-put (doc-view-current-overlay)
+                  'help-echo (doc-view-current-info)))))
 (defun doc-view-next-page (&optional arg)
   "Browse ARG pages forward."

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


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