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bug#14719: Full lisp used that causes the crash

From: Steve Wainstead
Subject: bug#14719: Full lisp used that causes the crash
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 10:54:06 -0700

Reading more of the Lisp code I use when compiling I thought posting all of it 
might be more helpful. All of this and more is in a GitHub repository: 


;; save *compilation* buffer to file
;; git commit it right after

(defun sw-write-compilation-buffer()
  "Hook function to write the *compilation* buffer for each compile."
  (and (get-buffer "*compilation*") (sw-save-buffer-invisibly (get-buffer 
  (shell-command "cd ~swain/.emacs.shellbuffers; git commit -m \"saving last 
compilation\" ?compilation?")

;; every time the "compile" or "recompile" functions are run, write
;; out the *compilation* buffer's contents and commit it.
(defadvice compile (before sw-save-last-compilation activate compile)
  "Every time we compile, save the previous compilation to the
   ~/.emacs.shellbuffers directory and git commit it."
  ;; if we are in the frame holding the compilation buffer, don't switch frames.
  (and (not(string= (buffer-name) "*compilation*")) 
(switch-to-buffer-other-frame "*compilation*"))

(defadvice recompile (before sw-save-last-compilation activate compile)
  "Every time we compile, save the previous compilation to the
   ~/.emacs.shellbuffers directory and git commit it."
  (and (not(string= (buffer-name) "*compilation*")) 
(switch-to-buffer-other-frame "*compilation*"))

;; choose random colors every time we compile, just for fun
(defun sw-make-random-hex-color-string ()
  "Return a string in the form of #FFFFFF. Choose the number for
   #xffffff randomly using Emacs Lisp's builtin function (random)."
  ;; seed our random number generator: current datetime plus Emacs's
  ;; process ID
  (random t)
  (format "#%06x" (random #xffffff))

(defun sw-randomize-frame-colors ()
  "Change foreground and background colors of the current frame to
random colors."
       (fg-color (sw-make-random-hex-color-string)) 
       (bg-color (sw-make-random-hex-color-string))
       (color-distance #x3fffff)
    (set-foreground-color fg-color)
    (set-background-color bg-color)

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