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bug#16555: 24.3.50; Company and CAPF: dealing with completion values con

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#16555: 24.3.50; Company and CAPF: dealing with completion values containing extra text
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 18:00:28 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.2.0

On 28.01.2014 15:24, Stefan Monnier wrote:
But should we document that the only way to retain the information about
different annotations corresponding to equal strings is to use text

We could add a note somewhere, I guess.  So far, "different completions
for equal strings" is a very rare situation.

Not "different completions", but rather different displayed information and exit behavior.

AFAICS, using annotation-function is a very rare situation by itself (in Emacs core, only `lisp-completion-at-point' does). I blame the bare-bones completion interface.

Note that we're discussing both CAPF and company-backends interfaces here. And "different completions for equal strings" would be true for company-eclim, company-clang, probably company-semantic eventually, and also third-party packages: emacs-eclim (it bundles a different Company backend), and omnisharp-emacs.

We could consider it a bug, though (that annotation-function is called with different objects). Currently, the fact that `-all-completions' functions for different styles process the returned list with `completion-hilit-commonality' in undocumented. Maybe we should push that logic somewhere, or just document that -all-completions functions must process annotations themselves first? Though sorting, in `minibuffer-completion-help', would become more complicated and slower as a result.

Come to think of it, company-backends should be able to use a hash-table with `eq' test maybe already, or if I massage the code a little. The major question for me was about uniqueness, and looks like, yes, doing `delete-consecutive-dups' after fetching all annotations should be fast enough (and this approach even has some space for optimization). So that leaves a problem with CAPF.

And if text properties is the only way, maybe dispense with the annotation
function and just document the desired property on the strings?

None of the annotation functions so far use text-properties, because the
completion candidate strings are all different anyway.

It could be an either/or specification: if annotation-function is defined, use it, otherwise, look up the `annotation' property.

And actually, `completion-all-completions' already conveys some information to the front-end using text properties: it uses `face' to delimit the "common" parts of the completions using `completion-hilit-commonality'.

I'd rather not
force them to construct the annotation ahead of time "just in case it
might get displayed".

But completion-at-point calls annotation-function on all completions anyway: in `minibuffer-completion-help'. After sorting, but before deleting duplicates. Or otherwise, how would it only delete duplicates only where both value and annotation are the same?

    (mapcar (lambda (s)
              (if (> (length s) 2)
                  (let ((bound (/ (length s) 2))
                        (comp (substring s 0 bound)))
                    (put-text-property 0 bound 'annotation s comp)
            (all-completions "" obarray 'fboundp)))

Using `put-text-property' is a good point.

Where the (substring s bound) is delayed to the annotation-function.

That's also because you artificially moved a lot of processing to the
all-completions step whereas some of that processing really belongs to
the annotation step.

But that step gets performed for all candidates anyway (see above).
Using `value-function' instead of `annotation-function' would have changed that. Although yes, that interface would be less neat.

But wouldn't it clash with the current completion-at-point interface?

I don't see why.  The `finished' case is exactly for things like "insert
a terminator, record the user's choice somewhere, or some other thing
which only makes sense when you somehow know this part of the completion
is over".

I don't think we can define a CAPF function without regard to how it
work there.

Can't see why not.

Yeah, okay.

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