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bug#16204: proposed patch for 24.4

From: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen
Subject: bug#16204: proposed patch for 24.4
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 14:27:50 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)

Ivan Kanis <ivan@kanis.fr> writes:

> September, 18 at 21:19 Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen wrote:
>> Ivan Kanis <ivan@kanis.fr> writes:
>>> I think the easiest way to work around this is to create a new variable
>>> shr-internal-width that holds the internal value of the web page without
>>> changing the user's customized shr-width.
>>> I have attached the patch below.
>> Thanks; applied.
> It should go in emacs-24, don't you think?

Uhm, yeah, it probably should.  Does anybody know how to make that
happen?  I haven't checked out an emacs-24...

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no

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