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bug#19106: M-x eww: provide default URIs; be bound to a key

From: Ivan Shmakov
Subject: bug#19106: M-x eww: provide default URIs; be bound to a key
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:20:34 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> Ivan Shmakov <ivan@siamics.net> writes:

        Please consider the revised patch MIMEd.


 > One may still wish to customize the order of the entries listed, or
 > perhaps to add new ones (think of recognizing, say, RFC 7154 or
 > RFC7154 as a link to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7154, for
 > instance), but to be convenient, there should probably be a couple of
 > helper functions to correspond to the lambdas in the example code
 > fragment also MIMEd.

        I’ve found that I myself prefer a different order for the
        default URIs than my previous patch suggested.  Therefore, I’ve
        ended up making it fully customizable.

FSF associate member #7257  np. Following My Father’s Song — Jami Sieber
--- a/lisp/net/eww.el   2014-11-21 09:21:50 +0000 
+++ b/lisp/net/eww.el   2014-11-22 19:05:15 +0000
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 (require 'shr)
 (require 'url)
 (require 'url-queue)
+(require 'url-util)                    ; for url-get-url-at-point
 (require 'mm-url)
 (eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x)) ;; for string-trim
@@ -59,6 +60,21 @@
   :group 'eww
   :type 'string)
+(defcustom eww-suggest-uris
+  '(eww-links-at-point
+    url-get-url-at-point
+    eww-current-url)
+  "List of functions called to form the list of default URIs for `eww'.
+Each of the elements is a function returning either a string or a list
+of strings.  The results will be joined into a single list with
+duplicate entries (if any) removed."
+  :version "25.1"
+  :group 'eww
+  :type 'hook
+  :options '(eww-links-at-point
+            url-get-url-at-point
+            eww-current-url))
 (defcustom eww-bookmarks-directory user-emacs-directory
   "Directory where bookmark files will be stored."
   :version "25.1"
@@ -101,6 +123,7 @@
   :group 'eww
   :type '(choice (const :tag "Unlimited" nil)
 (defcustom eww-use-external-browser-for-content-type
   "Always use external browser for specified content-type."
@@ -194,12 +218,31 @@
     (define-key map "\r" 'eww-follow-link)
+(defun eww-suggested-uris nil
+  "Return the list of URIs to suggest at the `eww' prompt.
+This list can be customized via `eww-suggest-uris'."
+  (let ((obseen (make-vector 42 0))
+       (uris nil))
+    (dolist (fun eww-suggest-uris)
+      (let ((ret (funcall fun)))
+       (dolist (uri (if (stringp ret) (list ret) ret))
+         (when (and uri (not (intern-soft uri obseen)))
+           (intern uri obseen)
+           (push   uri uris)))))
+    ;; .
+    (nreverse uris)))
 (defun eww (url)
   "Fetch URL and render the page.
 If the input doesn't look like an URL or a domain name, the
 word(s) will be searched for via `eww-search-prefix'."
-  (interactive "sEnter URL or keywords: ")
+  (interactive
+   (let* ((uris (eww-suggested-uris))
+         (prompt (concat "Enter URL or keywords"
+                         (if uris (format " (default %s)" (car uris) ""))
+                         ": ")))
+     (list (read-string prompt nil nil uris))))
   (setq url (string-trim url))
   (cond ((string-match-p "\\`file:/" url))
        ;; Don't mangle file: URLs at all.
@@ -454,6 +504,16 @@
   (unless (eq major-mode 'eww-mode)
+(defun eww-current-url nil
+  "Return URI of the Web page the current EWW buffer is visiting."
+  (plist-get eww-data :url))
+(defun eww-links-at-point (&optional pt)
+  "Return list of URIs, if any, linked at point."
+  (remq nil
+       (list (get-text-property (point) 'shr-url)
+             (get-text-property (point) 'image-url))))
 (defun eww-view-source ()
   "View the HTML source code of the current page."
@@ -548,6 +608,7 @@
     (suppress-keymap map)
     (define-key map "q" 'quit-window)
     (define-key map "g" 'eww-reload)
+    (define-key map "G" 'eww)
     (define-key map [?\t] 'shr-next-link)
     (define-key map [?\M-\t] 'shr-previous-link)
     (define-key map [delete] 'scroll-down-command)

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