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bug#20508: 24.4; image map properties not working as described

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#20508: 24.4; image map properties not working as described
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 22:14:31 +0300

> Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 19:27:54 +0200
> From: patrick mc allister <pma@rdorte.org>
> Cc: 20508@debbugs.gnu.org
> Now, however, I have a follow-up problem (which kind-of nearly fits
> the subject line): I was actually trying to get more than one of these
> hotspots onto the image, something like this:
> (defun image-wipe-and-insert-two-maps ()
>   (interactive)
>   (let ()
>     (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*an image area test buffer*")
>       (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
>       (erase-buffer)
>       (insert-image (find-image '((:type png :file 
> "/usr/share/emacs/24.4/etc/images/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/emacs.png"
>                                        :map '(
>                                               ((rect . ((0 . 0) . (50 . 50))) 
> anAreaID (pointer hourglass help-echo "You found an area!"))
>                                               ((rect . ((51 . 51) . (100 . 
> 100))) aSecondAreaID (pointer hand help-echo "You found another area!")))
>                                        ;; :relief -20
>                                        ;; :conversion laplace
>                                        :margin (0 . 0)
>                                        :pointer arrow)))))))
> I thought this would be in accordance to the info node, where it says:
> ``An image map is an alist where each element has the format `(AREA ID
> PLIST)'." 

This variant works as you expect:

(defun image-wipe-and-insert-two-maps ()
  (let ()
    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*an image area test buffer*")
      (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
      (insert-image (find-image '((:type png :file 
                                         :map (list
                                                ((rect . ((0 . 0) . (50 . 50))) 
anAreaID (pointer hourglass help-echo "You found an area!"))
                                                ((rect . ((51 . 51) . (100 . 
100))) aSecondAreaID (pointer hand help-echo "You found another area!")))
                                         ;; :relief -20
                                         ;; :conversion laplace
                                         :margin (0 . 0)
                                         :pointer arrow)))))))

(Figuring out why you need that explicit call to 'list' is left as an
exercise ;-)

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