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bug#20628: 25.0.50; Incorrect line height for some fonts

From: Clément Pit--Claudel
Subject: bug#20628: 25.0.50; Incorrect line height for some fonts
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 04:20:32 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0

On 05/22/2015 05:49 PM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>>> Here is an hypothesis. When I open Latin Modern in FontForge, I see
>>> two types of ascent and descent values: the ones in the "General"
>>> tab are 806 and 194, and the ones in the OS/2 tab, in particular
>>> Win Ascent and Win Descent, are 3560 and 3060.  Such a discrepancy
>>> does not seem to exist in the few well-behaved fonts that I
>>> checked.  Could it be that most applications use the first set of
>>> values, but Emacs relies on the second?
> Actually, there are *three* sets of font-wide ascender and descender
> values in TrueType fonts:
>   (1) From the `hhea' table: The `ascent' and `descent' fields,
>       together with `linegap'.  Used by Apple, cf.
> https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM06/Chap6hhea.html
>       These values are normally set by the font developer; there is no
>       relation to the actual ascender and descender values of
>       individual glyphs.
>   (2) From the `OS/2' table: The `usWinAscent' and `usWinDescent'
>       fields, for Windows.  Originally, those values are the ymax and
>       ymin values from all characters in the Windows ANSI character
>       set.  Today, however, it is often set to the ymax and ymin
>       values of all glyphs in a font to avoid nasty clipping on (some?
>       older?)  Windows applications.
>   (3) From the `OS/2' table: The `sTypoAscender' and `sTypoDescender'
>       fields, together with `sTypoLinegap'.  For Windows.  These
>       values are normally set by the font developer; there is no
>       relation to the actual ascender and descender values of
>       individual glyphs.
> Note that (1) and (3) are defined differently.  Mac fonts often miss
> an `OS/2' table, making (2) and (3) unavailable.  Additionally, many
> fonts have incompatible or erroneous values for any of the fields.
> It's really a mess, unfortunately.
> IMHO the bes solution is to completely ignore font-wide ascender and
> descender values.  Instead, use the TeX approach: set the line gap to
> the current size of the font, multiplied by a factor of 1.2 (and make
> this configurable on a font-by-font basis in case it isn't already),
> and increase the linegap if individual glyphs need it.

Thanks for this detailed description! 

I looked a bit more into how other programs handle this, and it seems that they 
take the simple approach of relying on font-wide metrics. Only, they don't seem 
to use the same ones as Emacs. This causes LibreOffice and vim-gtk to display 
"∫" as slightly truncated when using Latin Modern Math (it's taller than the 
line height). Emacs on the other hand displays it fine (at the cost of having a 
huge line height.

I wonder if changing the set of metrics used in Emacs would be easy.

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